A Worthwhile Discovery – IOTW Report

A Worthwhile Discovery

My state produces a tourism promotion program, “Discover Wisconsin“, that I’ve become addicted to the last few months. Besides being an interesting way to see other parts of the state, the show’s opening number is pretty darn good. I noticed on the credits that the artist is Tony Memmel, so I looked him up on YouTube this morning. Glad I did. Here

Here’s the song used for the show, The Good Land.


16 Comments on A Worthwhile Discovery

  1. My mother’s side is from Wisconsin, saw my first snow and took my first snowmobile ride up there while visiting my great grandmother. Small town about 15 miles from Stevens Point.

  2. Czar,

    How’s the rest of the food in Wisconsin? The bread and dairy products in Ireland are as good as it gets as are some of their soups, but the rest of the food there is practically inedible.

    There isn’t a cut of meat most of them couldn’t ruin, if you gave them a prime rib roast they would more likely than not throw it in a pot of water and boil it.

  3. Wisconsin is a good state. About 25-30 years ago 4 of us spent about 10 days in a motor home touring a bunch of golf courses. That was a great time. One thing we couldn’t help but notice is that all the farms had beer signs, Fitgers was most common. I guess every farm doubles as a bar in Wisconsin. I know they/we drink a lot there.

  4. Temperature Drop Milestones

    Degrees (Fahrenheit)

    65 Hawaiians declare a two-blanket night

    60 Californians put on sweaters (if they can find one)

    50 Miami residents turn on the heat

    45 Vermont residents go to outdoor concerts

    40 You can see your breath
    Californians shiver uncontrollably
    Minnesotans go swimming

    35 Italian cars don’t start

    32 Water freezes
    Richard Simmons puts on long pants

    25 Ohio water freezes
    Californians weep pitiably
    Minnisotans eat ice cream
    Canadians go swimming

    20 DemocRats begin to talk about the homeless
    New York city water freezes
    Miami residents plan vacation further south

    15 French cars don’t start
    Cat insists on sleeping in the bed with you

    10 You need jumper cables to get the car going

    5 American cars don’t start

    0 Alaskans put on T-shirts

    -10 German cars don’t start
    Eyes freeze shut when you blink

    -15 You can cut your breath and use it to build an igloo
    Arkansans stick tongue on metal objects
    Miami residents cease to exist

    -20 Cat insists on sleeping in pajamas with you
    Republicans actually do something about the homeless
    Minnisotans shovel snow off the roof
    Japanese cars don’t start

    -25 Too cold to think
    You need jumper cables to get the driver going

    -30 You plan a two week hot bath
    Swedish cars don’t start
    Politicians actually put their hands in their own pockets

    -40 Californians disappear
    Minnisotans button top button
    Canadians put on sweaters
    Your car helps you plan your trip south

    -50 Congressional hot air freezes
    Alaskans close the bathroom window

    -80 Hell freezes over
    Polar bears move south
    Green Bay Packer fans order hot cocoa at the game

  5. Spent a summer in Sheboygan in the 70s.
    One thing I learned a neighbor girl showed me.
    Several times, in the backyard shed.
    I think Grease was the word in those Summer Nights.
    Definetly a worthwhile discovery.

  6. Loved Wis while I was there 6 years. Wouldn’t trade that time for anything. Fast Times at Ridgemont High was like a documentary of my senior year at Lake Geneva High. Among many other amenities when you make straight As there, and the teachers say it’s ok, you could take the afternoon off from school and go skiing. Heck, calling in sick was enough for an excused absence.

    Married and first born there, also. Packers v Cowboys always left someone happy. Honeymooned at Devil’s Lake. Probably set a very bad precedent at the camp ground there. Was the first to carve a heart with nick names and a date on a tree. I seared the deeper outlines with the tire tool I stuck in the fire. It was beautiful. #1 son went back to find the site and tree 25 years later and said every tree had carvings on it. Damn. Sorry.

    Don’t miss it, though.

    A good friend from here married and moved to S.E. Minnesota. She sends me snow pics I send her pics of garden flowers blooming and a cat lounging around them.

  7. Last time I was in Wisconsin, Superior and vicinty, I stopped at a steak house. Had a meal with coffee. I was surprised to find this America’s Dairyland served artificial creamer with their coffee. I aksed the server. she just shrugged. I lived in WI for four years in the mid-50’s and you could not buy margarine. You had to go to Minnesota to get it (if you wanted it).


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