Acting Secret Service Director in Senate Hearing – IOTW Report

Acting Secret Service Director in Senate Hearing

Then, there is this:

One more:

Acting Secret Service Chief Played Key Role in Limiting Resources for Trump – read it HERE

18 Comments on Acting Secret Service Director in Senate Hearing

  1. Wait…is he “Acting” Director? Or is he “Currently Performing The Duties Of” Director. I’ve sern that new bit of jargon on display a lot recently. Is there a difference? Maybe “CPTDO” is for the lower ranks moving up? Never mind, WGAS.

  2. Are the same people still guarding Trump? Or have they been replaced? Has anyone been put on administrative leave while this is “investigated”? How come no R’s asked those questions?

  3. Still no answers.
    After almost three weeks and zip, zero, nada out of the SS or FBI. Nobody seems to know anything. I would be asking if these agencies only employ nincompoops, idiots and morons… or if they’re just avoiding the truth about the fact that this was a coordinated, “accidentally-on-purpose” attack. We’ve run out of grey area and patience!
    Next up to testify: Bob and Weave.

  4. And Trump is going back to finish his rally and to morn the loss of a patriot and those injured.

    I’m going to pray that the city of Butler and state of Pennsylvania provides extra security on their own and not depend on the USSS.

  5. The “One More” link, Dan Bongino said this idiot was the guy actually in charge of who goes where. He was the operations guy.
    AAAANd that sniper he’s talking about sent a letter demanding 5 management types get fired. They’ve fire one. The DEI woman in charge. That sniper also says there will be another attempt on Trump’s life before November. I hope Trump has his own private security team now.

  6. If he wants the job full-time, didn’t impress anyone. As acting director, he should have cut off some heads within 2 days so that when he appeared before the Grand-Stand, he could have offered some sacrificial tributes.

  7. I do not understand something and it really needs an explanation. . .

    The FBI A-Bate is a Deputy Director. Why?
    The Director is not bound by anything his UNDERLING testifies about (LIKE Press Conferences) and at one point he made a pledge about who made the call (MAYORKOS & GARLAND).

    The Admin can now play the time waste 3-5 Business Days BS back and forth on the sternly worded letters and claims of accountability the buck stops here BureauBabble back and forth.

    Agent Rowe looks Large. Makes me think of that AF1 Helo Perp Walk in the Twilight back the day before Bidens Clusterfucks Cloud blew up with the Broken Biden Report Broken Here the week before the Big FootBall Game.

  8. Yeah Claudia–AGREE! GOD protect the best President of my lifetime!
    also FYI
    I voted early in my MI primary last SUNDAY
    and fed my marked ballot (I did it myself with a black marker)
    into a “Dominion” it said all over it. Each area of the county had it’s own Dominion machine, I did at the county “Human Services Bldg” I did what Pres. Trump says make a plan and vote and so I did. But the sos and other leaders in the state really suck!

  9. President Trump needs to hire his own protection. The government agencies are full of criminals who hate God, Guns and Conservatives. You know, us deplorables. Trump will not be secure until every agency is cleared of these traitors.
    I would love to be on his protection detail. It would be my honor to protect this hero!!!

  10. Damn, the games that are being played by the commie, liberal, democrats that want total control over America.

    The facts are staring US in the face yet we still pretend to hope there may be a reasonable answer instead of the obvious coup attempt.

    That means they are ahead of the ‘game’.

  11. JGTuck

    There’s 6 or 7 recently retired Navy Seals that keep publicly offering. He KNOWS who just tried to kill him. I’m thinking he’s far to intelligent of a man to continue with outdoor events without getting outside help.

  12. 1963 ss antics are well documented in crossfire/jim marrs. including the lincoln driver with his foot on the brake, placement of press car in motorcade to preclude unbiased/accurate recording, on and on. i am not catholic, democrat, irish, or liberal – just sick of gubmint bullshit.

  13. Thank God that the Strategic Air Command wasn’t run the way things are run today, because if it were, none of us would be here. Accountability was swift and sure. There were no excuses for failure. If you didn’t perform your duty with complete competence, you were gone.

  14. Crooks was recruited by some USG agency. He was groomed and mentored. The plan for 7/13 was for Crooks to be seen casing the venue by law enforcement, and at an appointed time to be ALLOWED to climb up on the roof and set up at a certain position ( one where unbeknownst to him he would be in sight of a SS sniper). Meanwhile, the ACTUAL asassin was already in position in another location. Crooks was instructed to start firing as soon as he heard the FIRST shot ( fired by the ACTUAL asassin, who only grased Trump’s ear, btgg) and was probably assured that THEY would provide him with a clean getaway. He did fire into the crowd, killing Corey Comperatore and wounding David Dutch & James Copenhaver. Meanwhile Crooks was instead dispatched by the SS sniper. Prove me wrong.
    Even a Biden administration run Secret isn’t so incompetent to allow the clear view of the target afforded Crooks. So it was deliberate. Trump was supposed to be killed. THEY control the agencies, the narrative and the * investigation*.This was unfortunately for the deep state a failure, a missed opportunity, which really shows desperation. Had they succeeded they would have gone with their manufactured narrative. Since it didn’t go
    their way they’re scrambling. They’ve already been caught in a web of lies that their struggling to keep ahead of. Rowe, a democrat partisan hack ( far from the selfless government servant role he wants to portray) was DIRECTLY responsible for the decisions made in the field by the Secret Service ( deliberate lack of communication, under staffing, etc.) not scapegoat Cheatle, is going to slow walk the operation until they can come up with another opportunity. They’ll probably crash Trump’s plane next. They cannot allow Trump to be elected.


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