FOX: Rose McGowan urged President Trump to make a donation to a fundraiser dedicated to Tara Reade on behalf of his 2020 rival Joe Biden.
Last week, a GoFundMe campaign was launched for Reade, who came forward earlier this year with a sexual assault allegation against Biden, her former boss, back in 1993 when she worked for the then-Delaware senator.
According to the campaign’s page, which was organized by Reade supporter Samuel Pierce in coordination with her attorney, 50 percent of proceeds will go to the Network for Victim Recovery of DC (NVRDC), a “nonprofit that gives survivors of sexual assault physical, emotional and legal services.” The rest “will go to Tara for safety and security costs, then to her legal costs, then to helping her reclaim her reputation.” The campaign has raised roughly $3,000 so far.
On Tuesday night, McGowan tweeted the link to her over 935,000 Twitter followers and hoped to get the president’s attention.

“@realDonaldTrump Please make a donation to… in Biden’s name.” the actress-turned-activist wrote in response to a tweet made by Biden, who said “Donald Trump needs to do his job.” MORE
Don’t let Trump cheat – DEMAND VOTER I.D.
Go read a script, rerun queen.
This creature hooked up with an even weirder creature name Marilyn Manson, allegedly a male.
Nuff said about her credibility.
Like all liberal movements, they don’t apply universally.
“50 percent of proceeds will go to the Network for Victim Recovery of DC (NVRDC), a “nonprofit …”
scam … ’nuff said
Trump can donate to Reade in the name of Biden … (actually it’s a pretty good political ploy. would be good publicity & would give the Biden supporters a bit of a squirm) … but not to this group
How about have Reade in the front row of the first debate, not that Biden will recognize her or anyone else by that point.
They’re all nuts. Except Trump.
Created 7 days ago and they’ve only collected $3,921. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I believe Tara Reade, even if she’s lying about this unsavory assault, but I’m not donating any money to her cause, and neither will Trump.
Rose McGowan. Making Sinead O’Connor look hot. And sane.