Adam Kinzinger Defends Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton- SWITCH PARTIES, MORON! – IOTW Report

Adam Kinzinger Defends Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton- SWITCH PARTIES, MORON!

6 Comments on Adam Kinzinger Defends Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton- SWITCH PARTIES, MORON!

  1. Unlike Donald Trump, the relic media and Big Tech haven’t presumed Hunter Biden and Hitlery Klinton guilty until proven innocent. Far from it, ya dumb fuck.

  2. Adam Kingzinger is and always has been a turd.
    It was recorded eight here.
    Go way, way, way back to the year 2000 and 17.
    It’s even recorded on tape.
    Check the Records when FOX News Dana Perino was pushing his book on her broadcasts after going through the offices and accounts of Karl Rove, Liz Cheney and Paul Ryan.
    Wanna bet the posts are there?
    Permenant Turd Watch Records.
    04-01-2023 1915

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