Republican legislator introduces ‘OMAR’ Act to ban campaign compensation for candidate spouses – IOTW Report

Republican legislator introduces ‘OMAR’ Act to ban campaign compensation for candidate spouses

JTN: Wisconsin GOP Rep. Tom Tiffany introduced legislation titled the OMAR Act, which would make disclosure of campaign compensation to candidates’ immediate family members transparent. 

“Regardless of political party, we should all be able to agree that running for political office shouldn’t be part of a family enrichment scheme,” Rep. Tiffany said in a statement he gave to Fox News Digital.

“Public officials should serve their constituents; they shouldn’t be serving up a plate of campaign cash to their spouse,” he continued in the statement. “The OMAR Act will help restore public confidence in Congress and prevent politicians from pocketing their campaign funds.” OMAR is an acronym for Oversight for Members And Relatives, and is named after “Squad” member and Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar who has received backlash due to her campaign’s payments to the E Street Group, a consulting firm co-owned by her husband, Tim Mynett.  more

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