Adam Schiff and John Profumo: A Tale of Two Liars – IOTW Report

Adam Schiff and John Profumo: A Tale of Two Liars

American Thinker:

By Michael Nollet

I’m an over-the-road truck driver.  That means I have lots of time to indulge myself in activities not given to ordinary mortals, such as listening gavel-to-gavel to the Senate’s impeachment process (still in progress as of this writing).  Most ordinary mortals do not enjoy (?) this luxury, because they have lives of their own: things like home, family, hobbies, jobs that don’t permit radio or TV listening.  But me, I’m a captive audience in my truck, so if I feel like listening, then listening is what I do.  It makes the miles go by.

In the course of my tuning in to the feed from the impeachment hearings, I caught House manager Congressman Adam Schiff telling a huge whopper: that he doesn’t know who the “whistleblower” is.  That is the individual whose machinations and contacts with Schiff’s Intelligence Committee touched off the entire impeachment business.  Schiff is asserting that he still, to this day, does not know who this individual is.

This is a lie.  There is no way that Schiff cannot have known exactly who the “whistleblower” is, and have known it for nearly three years now.  In Schiff’s case, it is only the latest in a career of lies, which is well documented.  A partial litany would include the contradictory stories he has told about his office’s contacts with the “whistleblower,” his claims to have conclusive evidence proving that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians (which were blown apart by the Muller Report), and his claim that the FBI didn’t use the absurd Steele Dossier as its justification to the FISA Court to surveil Carter Page. read more

6 Comments on Adam Schiff and John Profumo: A Tale of Two Liars

  1. Schitt possibly cannot ID the wislblower.
    There is NO whistleblower.

    The whole thing is probably a convenient
    made up lie to suit the occasion

    You know, just like the greenhouse effect .

    Typical smellocrats

  2. So what if Schiff can’t keep his lies straight. Will anyone hold him accountable? If Joe Biden, on video, bragging that he blackmailed the Ukrainian government can be called “debunked,” how is it going to hurt Schiff is people have to look in different places to put the puzzle together?

  3. At the end of the day, the democrats are fascists, and the GOPe has their hand out, happy to help them.

    Schiff’s lies are but the tip of the fascist iceberg.

    Treasure the 2A: it is the only guarantee we have to keep our liberty.

  4. At least John Profumo lied about an affair with one of the most bed-worthy women who ever brought down a politician. He was married to one of Britain’s most beautiful women at the time, actress Valerie Hobson, and she remained married to him until her death. Profumo was also a highly decorated officer in the British Army, serving in North Africa and Italy. John Profumo landed on Normandy on D-Day and was engaged in fierce fighting in France during the Battle for Caan. He was also the youngest member of Parliament during all these years. He rose from the rank of Lieutenant to Brigadier General, and received many decorations for valor. Unlike Adam Schiff, John Profumo wasn’t a congenital liar and a seditious coward. I wish we had more politicians like John Profumo and fewer like Adam Schiff. We’d be a better country if this was the case.


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