Adam Schiff Caught Funneling Millions in Tax Dollars to Defense Contractors He Took Donations From – IOTW Report

Adam Schiff Caught Funneling Millions in Tax Dollars to Defense Contractors He Took Donations From

Slay News: Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has been caught funneling millions of dollars in taxpayer money to contractors who have made political donations to his election campaigns.

The 12-term congressman is currently running for a Senate seat and is campaigning on a platform of earmarks for local causes.

However, an investigation by Politico has busted Schiff steering millions in tax dollars to for-profit defense contractors who he took donations from.

“A review of congressional earmarks and political contributions found that in addition to the money for homelessness and drug treatment, Schiff also steered millions to for-profit companies and raised tens of thousands for his House reelection campaigns from corporate executives and people connected to them,” the report reveals.

“The review was mostly limited to publicly available data from the brief three-year window when corporate earmarks were disclosed.” MORE

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