Afghanistan Collapsing Faster Than Expected; US Troops Sent Back In To Speed Up Embassy Evacuation – IOTW Report

Afghanistan Collapsing Faster Than Expected; US Troops Sent Back In To Speed Up Embassy Evacuation


The seizure of Kandahar and Herat marks the biggest prizes yet for the Taliban, who have taken 12 of Afghanistan’s 34 provincial capitals as part of a weeklong blitz. More

Mean while, the Biden Administration is racing to avoid another Saigon rooftop embarrassment from our nearly billion dollar compound in Kabul. More

Which means Biden’s attempt to buy off the Taliban from destroying our embassy appears to be for naught. Here

24 Comments on Afghanistan Collapsing Faster Than Expected; US Troops Sent Back In To Speed Up Embassy Evacuation

  1. It is just a matter of time before the ISIS types get their black flags of Evil flying again- because, why not?

    I can’t wait for the MSM to try and blame the resurgence of ISIS on Trump.

  2. Burn some more tax dollars on another plastic band aide. If your out your out, WTF did you lame empty skulls think would happen??? Give it up, you have no idea what your doing!!!

  3. I am presently watching Sen Joni Ernst on foxnews regurgitating the same old neo-con nonsense, “We can’t leave now, the Taliban was mistreating women and girls there, they need our help”.

    Biden, as a partial provocation for leaving, said there are 300 thousand well-trained well equipped military personnel who will keep the peace. They are doing a bang up job, that’s for sure.

    I don’t have a problem sending 3000 troops back there for the purposes already declared; to provide security at Kabul so all American citizens can be safely evacuated outta there.

  4. Good gravy, the biden* administration is a catastrophe.

    Anyone ever watch George C Scott in The Hospital? “My God, the incompetence here is absolutely radiant”.

  5. General Miley’s new military strategy book on how to fight the war in Afghanistan just made the Guinness Book of Records for the shortest book
    ever written-two words “We Surrender”!

  6. Like no one saw this coming in the first place. We should’ve killed all the Taliban bastards 20 years ago. Tell me why went there in the first place if wasn’t to win but end up just like we did in Vietnam. I don’t honestly know if it was worth a single American life to have gone into this hellhole in the first place without a plan to win. And since these barbarian bastards are back just how soon will they attack us on our homeland again? And will the chickenshits in charge of our military do anything about it? I hate the left and the Taliban both since they’re both evil and want to destroy not only Ashcanistan but America as well.

  7. When we left Vietnam, as a cowardly move (approved by congress and the lap dog generals), we left one of the most well armed Armies in the world (all US Gear and armament). Will we dump helicopters, jets and other equipment in the Ocean this time?

    Now we just armed the Taliban terrorists, greater than John McCain could have imagined. Maybe John’s wife will clear it all up at the U.N.

  8. Give it a couple years the Taliban will be embroidering hats for Americans that read “Afghanistan War Veteran”, look in the inner liner (Made in Afghanistan).

    Just like the hat my daughter brought me from MCRD back in 1998, “Marine Corps, Vietnam Veteran”, I looked inside the headband and it was made in Vietnam. I still have it, I NEVER put it on.

  9. “We can evade reality,
    but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality.”
    ~Ayn Rand~

    The social justice marxists of the biden administration will have to rewrite history to fit their reality.
    But sadly, the reality of the families of our service members has already been written and can never be forgotten.
    Afghan Veterans I know your pain.


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