Ag Sec pushes Republicans to INCREASE Obamalunch – IOTW Report

Ag Sec pushes Republicans to INCREASE Obamalunch

EAG- WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack thinks everything is going just fine with the ratcheting regulations on school food in recent years.

Sure, there’s been few schools that have had problems getting students to eat food prepared under the strict restrictions on calories, fat, sugar, sodium and other elements imposed by the federal government and championed by first lady Michelle Obama, Vilsack told about 100 people at the Center for American Progress yesterday.

But that’s no reason to step back the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 when lawmakers return from summer recess this month, he said.

In fact, Vilsack is calling on Congress to increase the prescriptive regulations on school food, The Hill reports.  MORE

15 Comments on Ag Sec pushes Republicans to INCREASE Obamalunch

  1. Furrrrgot to say these lunches can include granola bars, power bars and yogurt which are all loaded with sugar. BS on the healthy part. Oh yeah that’s right one of Obozo’s Turkish butt boy friends has the contract to provide all the yogurt to US schools.

  2. Tom Vilesack is just another scumbag lawyer turned politician in a long line of them that infests government these days.

    And these idiots inserting themselves into school lunch programs banned peanut butter because it supposedly didn’t meet their nutritional “standards”. Peanut butter is one of the most high protein foods available and it is also high in magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, vitamin E, niacin and folate. It’s a much more nutritious choice than the stuff Eugenia mentioned above and unlike the gruel shown in the picture, it actually is edible for most people. Here’s a link to the peanut butter ban:

  3. So another perspective: If you were in the control pit as to how to designate a food program for , putting things gently, ANIMALS,
    what kind of ” quality” food would you give them?
    I say this out of rampant disregard
    of masses of kids with no parental
    guidance who’ve chosen to breed with the expectancy of the free ride.
    Seeing pregnant women everywhere, but…where’s the father?
    So, how much quality food, ought they to get?

  4. The poor child was so hungry that she couldn’t pai attention well enough to learn spelling. Or more likely, the lunches aren’t the only thing lacking at this school.

  5. See how there are only TWO things on the tray? The kids are told they must exit the lunch line with three “things”. My high school daughter cannot drink milk, and the lunch was a single “bosco” stick, cole slaw(which she detests)and either an apple or a banana(it’s unacceptable to have an apple AND a banana). The lunch lady informed her, she must exit the line with three items……When you teach your kids not to waste food and the responsible adults DEMAND it, what are we teaching our kids? I explained that she should have ripped her bosco stick in half. Her brain didn’t go there, she got a milk and gave it to another kid, which is against the rules- no food sharing.

  6. I remember a confection in school with peanut butter and powdered sugar, rolled like a hot dog in coconut. I always finished mine. It was good and nutritious.

    P.S. My cats would not touch that goo on that plate. Moo’s goo.

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