Al-Jazeera journalist Saif Khalid claims that reporting the name of one of the alleged suicide bombers in Sri Lanka is “Islamophobic”. – IOTW Report

Al-Jazeera journalist Saif Khalid claims that reporting the name of one of the alleged suicide bombers in Sri Lanka is “Islamophobic”.

Summit News-

Over 200 people have died after explosions rocked three luxury hotels in the nation’s largest city, Colombo, and three packed Catholic churches. Two additional attacks took place at other sites.

One of the alleged suicide bombers behind the attack on the Shangri La hotel has been identified as Islamic extremist Zahran Hashim.

However, Al-Jazeera journalist Saif Khalid suggested that even reporting Hashim’s name was “Islamophobic.”

“Indian media’s blatant Islamophobia at display,” tweeted Khalid.

Al-Jazeera is owned by the the government of Qatar and routinely promotes pro-Islamist perspectives, including the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hashim’s extremist lectures were also freely available on YouTube, leading Imam Mohamad Tawhidi to criticize the Google-owned video platform, which recently severely restricted Tommy Robinson’s presence.

“Makes you wonder why YT never banned him for his terrorist ideology,” remarked Tawhidi.


ht/ all too much

20 Comments on Al-Jazeera journalist Saif Khalid claims that reporting the name of one of the alleged suicide bombers in Sri Lanka is “Islamophobic”.

  1. They kill bunches of people, we complain about it, and they complain that we complain about it.

    So much BS. Al-Jazeera used to advertise in John Wayne airport in Orange County. Yeah, they used to advertise with the tag line: A Different Way to See The World.


  2. These people don’t know how to spell. They misspelled the key word. It’s Islamic-common-sense.
    There is no irrational aversion, aka phobia, about their murderous acts.

  3. Everybody should be musselman-phobic — even other musselmen. They are a virulent disease in almost human form. They should be censured at the very least, and driven into the oceans at the very best.

    This fag whines that people are scared of deadly creatures. Well, people SHOULD be scared of deadly creatures, or, if not scared, have the common sense and decency to rid the earth of them.

    We know all of you hate Christians and humanity. We KNOW. You can’t hide behind your halal, the trashbags you wear, and you suicide vests. None of us are fooled.

  4. The Muzzies decided to bomb a target-rich environment during Easter?
    Explain to me why should we not bomb that phucking black rock while it is a target-rich environment?


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