Alabama Judge Huffaker Clears Way for Death Row Inmate to Huff on Nitrogen – IOTW Report

Alabama Judge Huffaker Clears Way for Death Row Inmate to Huff on Nitrogen


Alabama could be ready to use a new, untried execution method called nitrogen hypoxia to carry out a death sentence as soon as next week, a state attorney told a federal judge Monday.

James Houts, a deputy state attorney general, told U.S. District Judge R. Austin Huffaker Jr. that it is “very likely” the method could be available for the execution of Alan Eugene Miller, currently set for Sept. 22, if the judge blocks the use of lethal injection. Houts said the protocol “is there,” but said the final decision on when to use the new method is up to Corrections Commissioner John Hamm.

Nitrogen hypoxia, which is supposed to cause death by replacing oxygen with nitrogen, has been authorized by Alabama and two other states for executions but has never used by a state. More

12 Comments on Alabama Judge Huffaker Clears Way for Death Row Inmate to Huff on Nitrogen

  1. I don’t understand what all the fuss is about. Naturally, I prefer the most cost-effective method, something that is quick, painless, and final. The guillotine fits the bill. You can’t screw it up, costs nothing except for the initial build, and he ain’t walking away after.

    I’d also like a public demonstration of his head on a spike afterward, what do you think?

  2. If we’re going to kill them, I’m in favor of fentanyl overdose. Sounds painless and peaceful enough, fairly foolproof, and there’s no chance of a supply problem for the foreseeable future.

  3. Helium has been used like this as a method of suicide, the method was described in detail in books and on the internet. I think the chemical companies have to put additives in now to prevent that.

    We should bring back public hangings. Every Saturday in the town square, pack a lunch and bring the family. Let the criminals know there’s a price to pay.

  4. Good old LN2… A room temp can of soda is rendered to that perfect drinkable slushie in 30 seconds… But let the LN2 evaporate before opening and drinking, just saying…

    On the execution method… Yeah sure, whatever… Suffering at our hands is no longer the point. It’s referral to the Highest court…


  5. It’s called “suffocation.”
    Why is this better than taping a plastic bag over his head?

    Why don’t they just call the FBI and say he’s a Trump supporter?
    Or leak the word that he has information on the Clintons?
    Or tell the DoJ that he has copies of BOTH Ashley’s diary AND Hunter’s laptop!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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