Amash says “Don’t let President Trump distract you with a straw man” – IOTW Report

Amash says “Don’t let President Trump distract you with a straw man”

Don’t let Trump distract you with facts, is more like it.


Rep. Justin Amash (I-Mich.) on Tuesday responded to President Trump shortly after House Democrats formally launched an impeachment inquiry against him, telling Trump that “it’s not about the transcript of a call.”

After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced the launch of an impeachment inquiry, Trump tweeted his dismay, writing, “They never even saw the transcript of the call. A total Witch Hunt.”

Amash, a frequent and outspoken Trump critic who left the GOP on July 4, quickly fired back.

“Don’t let President Trump or Republican officials distract you with a straw man,” Amash tweeted. “It’s about his continuing abuse of the office of the presidency.”


10 Comments on Amash says “Don’t let President Trump distract you with a straw man”

  1. So the hypocritical scum that constitutes the democrat party today (and “republican” back stabbers like Amash) claim that President DJT allegedly asking the Ukrainians to investigate corruption by American politicians in their country rises to the level of treason because DJT is supposedly trying to get “dirt” on his opponents for the upcoming election. Breitbart just posted this story about 3 dimocrat senators (the usual suspects) demanding that the Ukrainian govt. continue investigating Trump’s supposed Russian collusion just a few months ago (May of 2019) – that seems like the definition of interfering with elections to me. These people are pure evil. For any honest person it looks like impeachment should start with dimocrats including these 3 senators.

    The story:

    The actual letter from senators demanding that the Ukrainian govt. try to find dirt on President Trump:

  2. I actually wondered to myself earlier today when all this impeachment nonsense was being discussed where this turncoat cretin had disappeared to? He’d been real quiet after his prior screwup and the backlash he received. He must be hoping something sticks and he can go along for the ride. He’s a frikkin snake!

  3. At some point, their ‘inquiry’ will have to present the specific ‘impeachable offense’ against President Trump and their supporting argument for it. Right now, no Democrat will spell it out.

    In the meantime, Trump holds a potentially ‘high hand’ in the game of Swamp Bridge: 3 NO TRUMP!

    (I haven’t played Bridge in about 35 years so maybe there’s a higher ‘No Trump’ bid, but I can’t remember. But I do remember a GRAND SLAM which I’d like to think he has!)

  4. There are over 600 supremely snarky and hilarious comments on an article over at the Daily Mail. Hillary calls Trump ‘a reckless, corrupt human tornado.’ The comments rip Granny Pantsuit and her Dem minions up one side and down the other.

    Tomorrow should be interesting.

  5. He and his family are losing big money because of their Chinese manufacturing facilities and the tariffs Trump is imposing.
    He’d like the public to believe it his moral outrage that’s sparked the comments not his own personal enrichment.

  6. gin blossom, Amash had me fooled into voting for him in 2018. I listened to what he said (pro-constitution) and didn’t know about his $$$$$ ties with China. Some of what he said periodically made me cringe, but not enough to vote for a D.

    Now, I eagerly await any R challenger to get rid of him. Fool me once … and you’re not going to get a chance to fool me again!

  7. I’m a bit north of Claudia but I tell the guys I work with about the Amash family company Tekton tools. They now talk about bringing new tools back to the U.S. They are sold in Meijer’s stores up so I always tell folks in that isle the story behind the company.
    F’em. Justin and his family are all about them and he is a back stabbing fool. I seriously doubt he could ever run again unless it was as a “D” (dick).
    He will forever be seen as a loser.

    BB’s, thanks for posting the letter. I wonder why the State Dept. is not involved with Dems going to another county to dig up dirt on our president.


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