America’s Dumbest President, By Far – IOTW Report

America’s Dumbest President, By Far

32 Comments on America’s Dumbest President, By Far

  1. With a trifecta in the House, the Senate and the White House a chimpanzee could be as effective as Jackass Joe… that’s why they picked him! He’s not doing anything. The radical Communists behind him are running this show. They hand Joseph Stolen a banana and and some cue cards and hope he can get thru them!

  2. Look, Xo is a puppet/figurehead. His stupidity is an asset to the puppet masters. All part of the plan to “reset” society. Xo can put a lid on it and let the puppet masters work their destructive plan.
    They’ll send him out to answer pre approved questions, with pre approved reporters with prepared answers.

  3. To assign the term “dumb” to Joe Biden is to lavish him with undue credit. I’d suggest “imbecile” or “cretin” that puts him in the IQ range of between 25 and 50, and if tested he’d likely fall somewhere in the lower end of that grouping.
    Just like to help when I can!

  4. “… if you call the destruction of the United States of America “getting a lot done”

    That’s the Agenda he was put in office to accomplish, he’s doing what he said he would do, and it’s hard to deny he’s the most effective ever at doing it. Even Obama couldn’t get as much done as he has, and Obama had eight years to do it while Joe hasn’t even had eight months.

  5. Dumb is not nearly the same thing as corrupt.
    Corrupt is entirely by choice.

    Dumb starts of with limited intelligence and continues with no effort to improve.

    Joe and Turdeau, Both stupid but actively corrupt.

  6. Who was the dumbest wannabe pres ever? Why the former guy, Just a big cry baby, wah wah wah here comes the wambulance & what did he do to help America, drive it into the f’n ground. But he loved his secret meetings with his idols, Valadimir Putin & Kim Unhinged.
    Of course his specialties, tax dodgin’ & crouch grabbin’ & cheatin’ at golf.

  7. It’s the radical leftist mother cluckers behind biden & in his administration that are getting things done not biden.

    The big joke has got to be they don’t give a fuck because in the end its biden who will get all the blame not them, they’re anonymous.

  8. kind hearted people will overlook dumb & stupid

    the biteme’s of the world are not dumb or stupid THEY ARE EVIL & have been taking full advantage of that dumb & stupid mischaracterization

    start referring them to what they really are – EVIL

  9. Don’t know why anyone on this site refers to Zhou Xiden as president! To be polite, I refer to him as pretender which is much better than he deserves. As far as how dumb he is goes, he’s smart enough to fall upstairs.

  10. Anonymous > LBJ also bragged about stealing his election. He and the Corn Pop slayer have a lot in common. Both are/were significant racists, both huge liars, both perverts, both war chicken hawks, both scum bag dummycrats, both were huge frauds.

  11. My invention for April 2, 2021, The Kelvin Olympics — a competition for who can come closest to being an absolute zero. Biden is in the running for the Hydrogen Metal Medal.


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