Amy Klobuchar, Bird Murderer – IOTW Report

Amy Klobuchar, Bird Murderer


Senator Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.) has long struggled to contain the blinding rage that burns beneath her “Minnesota nice” façade. She is prone to “dehumanizing” outbursts of violence, usually directed at vulnerable staff members who are often left in tears, nursing binder wounds, or holding a disgusting salad comb.

Klobuchar’s rage issues are not confined to her Senate office. Her victims are not exclusively human. The failed presidential candidate recounted her first time playing golf, a notoriously frustrating sport for beginners that should not be attempted by individuals prone to violent tantrums, while speaking at a United Food and Commercial Workers union event on Sunday.

“I did one time try to play golf,” Klobuchar explained in between outbursts of maniacal laughter. “But I misfired on the first try, and the ball hit a duck in the head, and it appeared to perish. So I don’t think it is a good idea for the bird population of America if I would play golf.” read more

12 Comments on Amy Klobuchar, Bird Murderer

  1. Two things about Klobuchar
    She has the same personality as Shiela Jackson Lee.
    She got a worthless law degree from Yale. Remember HRC also got a law degree from Yale and failed the DC law boards. That’s why she road her husband all the way back to AK.


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