An Actual World Leader Gets NATO Countries To Start Paying Their Fair Share – IOTW Report

An Actual World Leader Gets NATO Countries To Start Paying Their Fair Share

President Trump’s threats (that’s right, threats are not a bad thing when you are a world leader) of moderating U.S. involvement with NATO, if the other participating countries didn’t pony up, has paid dividends.

So glad to see that our president is no longer an experiment in social justice, a failed experiment that delivered us a moron “community organizer.”

Look at the community Trump just organized-


U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis warned allies of a more “moderate” U.S. commitment to NATO if countries don’t up their defense spending.

“America will meet its responsibilities, but if your nations do not want to see America moderate its commitment to the alliance, each of your capitals needs to show its support for our common defense,” Mattis said at a meeting with defense ministers in February.

NATO estimates Canada and European allies will increase defense spending by 4.3 percent in 2017, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced Wednesday.

The alliance has seen a cumulative increase of $46 billion since 2014, when the 2 percent of gross domestic product target was agreed upon.

“To keep our nations safe, we need to keep working to increase defense spending and fairer burden-sharing across our alliance,” Stoltenberg said at a news conference ahead of a meeting between defense ministers in Brussels. “After years of decline, in 2015 we saw a real increase in defense spending across European allies and Canada … this year, we foresee an even greater real increase of 4.3 percent.”



8 Comments on An Actual World Leader Gets NATO Countries To Start Paying Their Fair Share

  1. After 8 years of that traitorous scumbag, everything Trump does is gold. I get giddy when I see photo’s of DJT with that mischievous grin after he rolls these clowns.

  2. They better be paying the same percentage as us, these parasitical socialist countries have been hiding under our skirts long enough.

    Stand up like men and pay your “fair share”

  3. Ultimately the American taxpayer is footing the bill for German and French (etc…) retirees. The less those governments spend on defense the more they promise the retirees. Consequently, the American citizen pays the difference.

  4. The agreed amount was 2% of national GDP each. Obviously we’ve let them slide and they’re in arrears for years and huge amounts.
    First they were appalled, then outraged, then they mocked, now they’re caving and discussing payment terms.
    The exact victory sequence Andrew Breitbart described so well.

    Putin’s watching and they know it.


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