An iOTWreport Public Service – IOTW Report

An iOTWreport Public Service

Doing my part to try and lower the country’s blood pressure.


55 Comments on An iOTWreport Public Service

  1. In those pictures of him in Alaska, he looks like a pencil necked 98 pound weakling pussy.
    He wouldn’t survive a week in Alaska.
    Sarah Palin thrives up there, sissy-man.

    I would have to use my left hand, because my right hand would be wrapped completely around that twiggy throat.
    Such a pathetic little man.

  2. Picture me quaking in my boots Sad_Brad.

    I thought we buried the hatchet?
    Evidently not.
    It started weeks ago because I insulted a 17 yr old radical Obama. The daughter of the man destroying this country.
    Why the continued animus?
    Are you dating Malia?

    Save your threats.
    I wasn’t commenting on your post earlier anyway.

    I guess we all should take fighting tips from ultimate UFC fighter Bad Brad.
    Me, I am not impressed.

    You speak of spending time in the gym.
    I would guess you are one of these large men, with some accumulated muscle mass.
    However, it is cloaked in immense slabs of subcutaneous fat.
    You use heavy cumbersome weights to impress.
    The problem is, you have to jerk it around using momentum and lack any form or decorum.
    Symbolism and not substance, and thus no actual muscularity results.

    You and Malia have a good evening…cunt.

  3. Actually, I didn’t want you to actually head butt your wife you ignorant dog turd. It’s all mechanics. Tomorrow when your somewhat sober, have her stand in front of you facing you and slowly lower your head in a head butt motion toward her. Notice the impact point. Now do the same thing and ask her to drop her chin against her chest. Haahaa. Yea any 8th grader knows this shit tuff guy.

  4. Lol. I’m 59 Mr. Anonymous. Hee Hee. An old pussy. A has been. Maybe a never was. Ya wanna put it to the test? Let’s do a pay per view IOTW version. We will do it in Las Vegas. MJA and that little dog guy can wear bikinis with those found cards. It’ll be an underground sensation as you kick my ass. Let’s do it.

  5. Asshole Cadets at West Point had their annual pillow fight yesterday. A romp designed for fun and getting frustration out after the grueling basic training. Some assholes loaded their pillows with helmets, baseballs etc. and knocked some of their
    fellow cadets senseless.

    No rapes reported yet. Fuck them. Sneaky bastards will fall right in with what the current administration has in mind for the Army.

    I’m disgusted Good night.

  6. I don’t know about catharsis (it’ll take quite a bit more for that…),

    …but it certainly is that “conversation” opener we’ve been asked so many times to have with the Left.

  7. My life is like Charlie Brown at Halloween. “All I got was a rock.” I went directly from a wanna-be to a has-been. The best way to pass the time is get drunk, stand naked in front of a mirror and tell myself how stupid I am.

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