Anderson Cooper Can’t Understand Why Viewers Would Turn Off CNN – IOTW Report

Anderson Cooper Can’t Understand Why Viewers Would Turn Off CNN


[CCN host Anderson] Cooper then explained that despite how much they hate Trump, it was necessary to hear what he had to say because he “is the front-runner for the Republican nomination for president. And according to polling, no other Republican is even close.” 

Affirming the white-hot rage of his viewers, Cooper announced that they “have every right to be outraged today, and angry, and never watch this network again.” More

20 Comments on Anderson Cooper Can’t Understand Why Viewers Would Turn Off CNN

  1. Have they ever said what process they used to get people to attend that town hall? I ask because I can’t get over how dumb it is to have a GOP town hall, presumably invite GOP voters and then be so dumbstruck that they actually like Trump. I mean, seriously, even if they’d chosen a host that could stand up to Trump, he’s still Trump. What did they expect to happen? Him to sit there meekly and take it?

  2. Anderson Cooper also doesn’t understand God’s stance on homosexuals, and neither does Trump. Anderson should be praising Trump instead of hating him. After all, Trump is working hard for him.

  3. Jerry Manderin at 10:49 pm

    Anderson Pooper wants a tea bagged version of what The Donald did to Kaitlan Collins for 70 minutes.

    Trump made up for that by holding a party for Cooper’s community of gays at Mar-a-Lago. No one seems to want to talk about that side of Trump. Why is that? Too uncomfortable knowing that the leader you think is the greatest, is actually acting out blasphemy and abominations against God? Right in voters faces, and people over look a flawed character like that. In conversations with my Christians friends, they had no idea where Trump’s stand is with gays. “Unless you stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”

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