Andrea Shea King Leaves Blog Talk Radio Citing Bad Quality and Shabby Treatment – IOTW Report

Andrea Shea King Leaves Blog Talk Radio Citing Bad Quality and Shabby Treatment

Dear Friends,
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, right?
After patiently dealing with the chronic and constant technical hiccups on Blog Talk Radio, I have ended my nearly eight-year-long relationship there.  Last night’s dropped show was the last straw for me.  
I can’t depend on their service — when I schedule guests, I’m anxiety-ridden, fearing the show could go to hell in a hand basket at any moment.  Over the past year or two, the technical problems have become more frequent. When I realized that last night’s live program was no longer streaming, I contacted the Blog Talk Radio online HELP desk only to receive a message that “Agents are not available at this time.” Arrrrgh! Really?  REALLY?
​I spend considerable time planning and prepping for my show.  I take it seriously. But…
Every month it’s something. Dropped shows, dial-in/log-on problems, audio glitches… ads that repeat over my live stream… it’s a wonder my listeners keep returning.  It’s a testament to their loyalty, and I am deeply grateful to them for it.
I have been paying for BTR’s service, yet I’m not getting what I’m paying for.  The Blog Talk Radio platform is simply undependable.  I cannot rely on it to provide me with the service for which I am paying, and I and my listeners expect.
BTR has ignored my previous requests for a rebate when their service was interrupted — though on my end, my payment is faithfully made every month. When a product does not perform as advertised, you return it, right?  
After repeated pleas to BTR tech support to fix the problems but seemingly to no avail, I’ve canceled my account.  Thus it is with regret that for the foreseeable future, The ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW will be off the air.  You can find me at my website The Radio Patriot, or on Facebook.
And finally, a HUGE thank you to all who have put up with the constant problems encountered while listening to my program.  Thank you for your faithfulness through the years.
No longer insane…


7 Comments on Andrea Shea King Leaves Blog Talk Radio Citing Bad Quality and Shabby Treatment

  1. Awwwww, I loved listening to Andrea. That was one talk show where the guests actually got to talk. I will miss you, Andrea, but I’ll frequent your site more often.

    When Trump starts his own “No Bullshit PC” TV network, he should hire you for prime time!

    Come see us, ya hear?!

  2. It was an article by Andrea Shea King a year or so ago that led me to IOTW. Hopefully she can find a better method of broadcasting that will be more reliable. It really is a shame that BTR seems to be so incompetent technically. These days, a reliable connection isn’t all that hard to accomplish for the most part, especially when you have paying customers.

  3. This is such a shame because Andrea is such an interesting host but, yes, BTR is the ObamaCare of Radio.
    The worst part is, this ain’t brain surgery tech-wise. All the technology is available – and has been for years – for a perfect blog radio set up. The broadcasts should be crystal clear with none of the constant screw ups. BTR, like so many Microsoft Moron Company IT Guys needs to be put out of business by one simple Apple Killer Blog App.

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