Andrew Cuomo Connives Comeback – IOTW Report

Andrew Cuomo Connives Comeback


‘Luv Guv’ ads will start reappearing on New York TV screens

The New York Post reported Thursday that the Cuomo campaign committee is behind a series of ads aimed at “clearing Andrew’s name,” according to an insider. Political-advertising tracker Medium Buying reported the same day that a pro-Cuomo political action committee also bought airtime. – more

13 Comments on Andrew Cuomo Connives Comeback

  1. I reckon that’s why Letitia James is no longer interested in running. She must have gotten a visit from some Cuomo goons. And Hochul is just keeping the seat warm for him if she knows what’s good for her.

    Gavin Newsom should be writing a book and spending time with his family right now, but he’s still in Sacramento. It’s almost like Cuomo still sees himself as Governor, and this is just a really extended recall election which he’ll be able to finesse like Gavin. And why shouldn’t he? New York would probably reelect Hillary if she ran for Senate again.

  2. I made 500 billion dollars last month
    playing with my cock and pretending I’m
    a guinea like greaseball Cuomo.

    My advice to everybody :

    Don’t just pretend to be a guinea


    Be a greaseball for everyone
    And if that doesn’t win them over
    Smile your great big SMILE

    If you do that maybe no one will notice
    how inherently ugly you naturally are
    ( after all, you are a guinea )


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