Angry Protesters Slam Hillary in Chappaqua – IOTW Report

Angry Protesters Slam Hillary in Chappaqua

Protesters gather in Chappaqua during her book signing of “Hard Choices” to condemn Hillary Rodham Clinton for Benghazi and other atrocities.–Chappaqua, New York. June 29, 2014

Mert MelfaMert Melfa

10 Comments on Angry Protesters Slam Hillary in Chappaqua

  1. A few weeks ago I noted that my local Wal-Mart (here in Toronto) had her book on sale at 40% off. Well I’m happy to report they’ve disappeared completely. They weren’t sold, they were shipped back to the publisher. It looked like they didn’t sell a one. It will be a long time before she gets another pay-off, er book contract.

  2. That’s the most liberals I’ve seen in one peaceful gathering. There for the signature so they can spew there meeting with the Hill. Of course they won’t read the book because they’re all too smart and know it all from the MSM.

  3. What’s with the angry looking triplets (women) helping Shrill to shuffle her crap around the table ? I don’t see any MEN in line for the meet ‘n greet. I swear, it truly is a war on women perpetrated by “womyn”. This made me vomit.

  4. Judging by the spelling mistakes, lack of American flags, general mush-mouth whining and chanting, and the overall sense of utter pointlessness, this protest seems to have been organized by leftists and union protestors. I’ll take “Princess Spreading Bull supporters” for $500, Alex.

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