Another Edition To Our Patriot Pet Gallery – IOTW Report

Another Edition To Our Patriot Pet Gallery

Here is Hannah.

Hannah left us in early 2017. Hannah was born in 1998. That’s right, 1998.

RIP. You had a wonderful life.

To see more – click here

12 Comments on Another Edition To Our Patriot Pet Gallery

  1. I wish that kitties could live as long as parrots do… that’s like fifty years or something. Maybe they could breed less as compensation, but still, some kitties just are so sweet and good… r.i.p. 🙁

  2. 19+ years.Hanna had a good life for sure.
    That would be aprox. 133 dog years.I don’t
    know the formula for kitty-kat years ???
    What an honor to have a BFH original in your
    home to remind you of a beloved faithful God
    given companion.

  3. Thank you BFH. I miss my Hannah. She had a good, long life. She was named after Blizzard Hannah 1n 1997. According to the animal shelter I got her from, she was born on the one year anniversary in 1998. I was a strapping 24 year old stud back then. Blizzard Hannah was the blizzard that sealed our towns doom during the flood of ’97, (I’m from NoDak). She has truly been missed by my other cat, Tuna, who, for months after her departure, moped around, going from room to room meowing for her. He finally figured out that she wasn’t coming back. it was heartbreaking for me to see. Only an animal person will understand what I’m talking about.

    A week ago, I brought home a new friend; Sushi. She is a Siamese mix. Now, Tuna wasn’t too thrilled with that idea at first, but he’s warming up. Sushi, only being 8 weeks old, is quite the pest to him, but he’s warmed up. In fact, he has come out of his shell of depression, and has actually started playing with her. Tuna is 13, and he has been way more active in this last week since I had to put my Hannah down in January. Hannah was the only cat he knew.

    Again, thank you BFH. Your painting of Hanna is priceless to me. You nailed it. Aced it. I know my Hannah, no matter how deep her sleep, her grateful heart is purring for me.

  4. I’m glad you dropped this comment. As always, I never reveal the identity of the reader, leaving it up to them to step forward if they choose to.

    I know this experience was hard for you.

    I thank you for entrusting me to memorialize such a wonderful pet.
    It was an honor.

  5. I share your sorrow in Hannah’s departure, Bman. I rejoice with you that you have Tuna and Sushi (haha, cute, funny names!). Pets do so much for us and ask for so little in return. The portrait of Hannah is indeed beautiful. God bless.

  6. Dear Bman, Hannah was beautiful cat. 19 years is a testament to the great home and care you provided. I am sorry for your loss and glad you have a wonderful memorial portrait. BFH has done 2 for me and I treasure them.

    Nose pats to Tuna and Sushi. I do know what you mean about a companion cat looking for a lost buddy. We’ve had some pace the house, look behind furniture and curtains and check out closets. It sounds as though Tuna has a new lease on life with his Sushi friend.

  7. Another wonderful guardian angel. So amazingly sad when they pass from us.

    Pets are not only our guardian angels, they are our children; in fur coats.

  8. Many people misunderstand cats. While dogs bond easily with multiple family members cats bond with individuals that earn their trust. When they do they behave much like a dog. I’ve “owned” three cats (all adult strays) and all were very loving and intelligent. They all knew their names, came when they were called, and communicated in many ways. I feel your grief Bman.

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