This professor’s teaching days are over for dressing up as Urethra Franklin.
Stupid idea.
He also owned a bicycle shop. That business is in jeopardy.
Last week I went to a party and a man I’d never met was in black face as “urethra Franklin.” I was wrong because I did not confront him. He is an owner of @ShenandoahBikes and an adjunct professor @JMU. This is not okay and the community should know this happened.
— Abigail Thibeault (@amthibeault) November 7, 2018
Snoop Dogg dressed as Todd, a white guy, doing a commercial for a website that doesn’t exist.
Why hasn’t earth stopped rotating on its axis?
10% of the population needs to be VERY careful about their toleration…..
“Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell
There shall be no humor sayeth the perpetually indignant.
Apparently, the black student, Daija Little, isn’t aware that he dissed Aretha’s black skin with his spelling of her name. That will not be tolerated!
(Or am I missing something?)
“Your black skin as a costume” Ah come on, how about just the lips? Those alone are always good for a laugh.
fuck5 0f z3r0 g1v3n
If you spend your time looking for offense, you will probably find it.
All day.
Every day.
That’s no way to go through life
With a first name like Urethra, you know it’s gonna piss people off.
We’ve become a nation of busybody Gladys Kravitzes. Get a fucking life you Nosy Parkers!
Yet Micheal Jackson and Sammy Sosa pretend their white with no consequences.
Why any white guy would dress up as anything other than Kennedy with a head wound and his date dressed as a blood spattered jackie is beyond me.
“…the adjunct professor of cycling…”
He never deserved a job in the first place.
I bet he votes democrat too.
They didn’t even give they poor guy the GAY pass??
What a shocker!
@ Jethro & the ghost,
Let’s see…. cross dressing?
grown man dressing up for halloween?
adjunct prof of cycling??????
“Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell
If Congress can pass the “Zero Tolerance of Cultural Appropriation Act” would that make them happy?
Then the people of color or different cultures could not buy any white owned, white created, white invented products.
No gasoline, no clothes, no food, no Walmart…… nada, no nahtink, no nuttin.
When I lived in Massachusetts I always dreamed of opening a wreath store in the town of Franklin.
Wreath of Franklin.
Probably wouldn’t have done well, even though there is plausible deniability.
Oh my G-d. It’s the Sacred Black Person. Thou shalt not have any false witnesses before thee. Right?
Lame, but half-funny. These sjbullies are dreadfully zealous and boring.
An obvious case of…… BLACKSPHEMY!!!!!
Vietvet, since I’m currently having problems with an enlarged prostate (old guy syndrome) and have a catheter inserted in me until this Thursday I had to laugh at your urethra comment. Hopefully they will get this under control soon.
Can I go dressed as preblack Dolezal?
Or more accurately, Rachel Dolezal wore blackface for years and became an NAACP President. Yet I hear nothing about that from the race hustlers.
@geoff the aardvark: Thanks – I’m glad you recognized me from my avatar, since I FUBARed my name line and got stuck with the despised “Anonymous” ID (oh, the shame!).
Anyway, hang in there, and remember: this too shall pass. Here’s hoping your prostate won’t keep you prostrate very much longer.
How does she KNOW it was a man, that person looks sorta like a woman of color, so why can she not accept the person in their own skin? She must realize that they are not comfortable being the gender of their DNA but instead that person knows ‘she’ is a strong black woman inside! Scarc/off
That does not look like a woman of color. The creature running for gov. in GA looks like a woman of color, or Obama’s husband. So you’d better get your eyes checked. I bet you think Phyllis Diller looked just like Sophia Loren.
“White Like Me” from when SNL was actually funny sometimes. 1980?
Daija…Didja ever see a photo of Al Jolson singing in blackface in the first “talkie”, The Jazz Singer (1927)? He was singing “Mammy, Mammy”. If you see it, it’ll make you wanna go to Hollywood and blow things up. I for one, will applaud you for doing it.
He looks exactly like Shirley Chisholm – 1st black woman elected to Congress – a JFK Democrat; .
I guess my position is, I really don’t get the black face thing. Seem kind of Lawn Jockey insulting. Don’t get me wrong, I have some black friends I’d pull it on just to fuck with them. But then again pay backs a bitch.
Loor Pittle Nucking Figger!
But this is A-OK, and has been for going on 2 decades – fucking leftist hypocrites:
Now that’s funny! It made me laugh. Joyously. It’s really funny. Too bad some people are perpetual kill-joys. They need to live on their own island. Maybe then they can be happy repressing each other.