Another helping of Nothing Burger: Trump Jr. says Russian offered dirt on Clinton as ‘pretext’ for meeting – IOTW Report

Another helping of Nothing Burger: Trump Jr. says Russian offered dirt on Clinton as ‘pretext’ for meeting

Different day, same tired bullshizzle.

The last Tradition: All day yesterday the corrupt media ran headlines stating  that Donald Trump Jr. met with Russian lawyer with ties to the Kremlin.  I held off doing a post on it because I knew waiting would pay off as far as proper reporting.  My hunch paid off because like many other corrupt media stories, there’s no there there as usual.

Fox News reports President Donald Trump and son Donald Trump Jr.pushed back Sunday on a New York Times story that states the younger Trump and other members of the president’s campaign met in June 2016 with a Russian lawyer with the expectation of getting “damaging information” on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. said he was asked by an acquaintance to meet with the lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, who was described to him as somebody who “might have information helpful to the campaign.”

The president’s eldest son also said that Veselnitskaya claimed to know about “individuals connected to Russia [who] were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton.”   more

7 Comments on Another helping of Nothing Burger: Trump Jr. says Russian offered dirt on Clinton as ‘pretext’ for meeting

  1. Nothing illegal here.

    Contrary to the Leftist talking points, “collusion ” is an inapplicable and deliberately misleading misnomer.

    Candidate Trump in 2016 is free to ask advice and input from anyone he likes. He’s perfectly free to call up Putin directly and ask for campaign advice, suggested “gotcha” questions for the next debate, Putin’s personal take on the US election process, etc.
    He’s legally free to ask advice and talk election strategy with anyone–the Pope, the Dalai Lama, George Clooney, or a seance with the ghost of Abe Lincoln.

    DT Jr meets with some Russian? Nothingburger.

    Jeff Sessions or Mike Flynn chatted socially with a Russian diplomat? Perfectly legal.

    I love that the Left, in desperation, reverses 70 years of Fellow-traveler “Russians are our peaceful brothers” psyops and now there’s an Evil Russkie lurking behind every D.C. mailbox.
    Boris! Natasha!
    Moose! Squirrel!

  2. Kushner and Manafort had previously disclosed the meeting, presumably to the witch-hunters. If there was anything there, I’m sure it would have been blaring from the MSM bullhorn long ago. It looks like they’re trying to throw leftovers at DTJ because his recent tweets are hurting their butts. I just heard Hewie Hewitt hyperventilating about this, and he’s been wrong about everything so far, so it’s time to move on.

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