Another Insidious Practice By Facebook – IOTW Report

Another Insidious Practice By Facebook

This comes courtesy of ChiGuy-

Media Post-

“Imagine a dystopian future when people over 40 can’t get work because they don’t even know which jobs are available,” New York Times reporter Noam Scheiber, who co-authored the report, tweets. “Well, that future has arrived! Introducing age-targeted job ads on Facebook.”

For its part, Facebook sees no problem with its age-targeting tool. “Used responsibly, age-based targeting for employment purposes is an accepted industry practice and for good reason: it helps employers recruit and people of all ages find work,” Rob Goldman, vice president of ads, writes.

Remarkably, he adds that showing ads to different age groups is comparable to running ads in magazines or TV shows that are aimed at older or younger demographic groups. But that defense overlooks a significant difference between offline media and the personalized ads shown online: People of all ages can pick up a copy of any magazine on the newsstands, be it Seventeen or AARP. But Facebook users are only capable of viewing the ads that are served to them.

A federal law prohibits employers from discriminating against people 40 and older based on age. But it’s not clear whether Facebook is potentially liable for enabling alleged violations of that law.

Last year, it emerged that Facebook’s targeting tools allowed advertisers to prevent minorities from viewing housing ads. Now, it has come to light that Facebook also allows advertisers, including Verizon, Target and Amazon, to block people in some age groups from viewing job ads.

ProPublica and New York Times report posted Wednesday evening outlines the considerable extent of age-based targeting by employers that takes place on Facebook. Verizon advertised jobs to people identified by Facebook as 25-36, UPS targeted users between the ages of 18 and 24, and AT&T targeted people ages 18-54, to name just a few of the many examples collected by ProPublica.



32 Comments on Another Insidious Practice By Facebook

  1. I don’t feel sorry for baby boomers, the generation that up to this point, have had the easiest existance in the history of humanity. Should I shed a tear for a generation that is most responsible for the downfall of America? If they haven’t planned accordingly for retirement up to this point… tough. How many immigrants have they allowed into this country? How many jobs have been lost to native born because of them? Now I’m supposed to feel sorry for them? Hahahaha nope, poetic justice.

  2. Onginer; As a boomer at first I thought you were full of it. But then I remembered the 60’s, hippies, protests agains’t Viet Nam, marijuana, flower people, san fran freakshow, environuts, feminists,liberal courts, and destruction of the Constitution, etc. Yeah, you’re right.

  3. The point here is that Facebook has to much power and they are justifying their use of censorship. Unless conservatives can come up with their own social platform we’re going to lose this battle

  4. “Please hire me, I want to work for a company that discriminates against wisdom, maturity and responsibility.”

    If you are over 40 and still on FaceFuck then you are an idiot.

  5. In 2018 the task must be to smash apart Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google.
    Their reach and influence is ridiculous, and they discriminate against conservatives.

    “Who cares what they think and do?” is not a proper response to our task.
    We need every available mouth to complain and shout about it, even if you think their influence doesn’t reach you.
    Trust me, they do.
    They targeted Pamela Geller.
    Facebook and Google and Twitter have all but made her presence disappear. They have demonetized everything she says and does, turning her into an enthusiastic hobbyist.
    Their hope is that she packs her bags and retires.
    This should be illegal when there are very few games in town to keep yourself afloat.
    This is an anti-trust issue.

    This effects you if you do not want to see the foremost counter-jihad warrior in this country silenced.
    And she is but one example.
    They’ve attacked Paul Joseph Watson, Mark Dice, Cernovish and all the good-guy blogs.
    This is the left’s game plan, and we have to beat them. It’s imperative.

  6. Sorry bud, I don’t use social media. I will not frequent or live in a totalitarian ghetto no matter its reach. Let us make, Patreon, individual websites and other places refuge for ourselves and those who redpill out of the ghettos.


    One stupid company told me “We have management positions but it’s only for recent college graduates.”

    I wish I would have recorded that, as the general age for graduating college is about 23 years old. That sounds like age discrimination to me.

    My sister’s friend is a lawyer and she said the same thing. You get that on camera, they have a lot of ‘splaining to do, especially if that company ever gets sued later for age discrimination. Could file “Friend of the Court” brief, or just hand over the video to the plaintiff’s attorney (for a price of course….).

  8. They’re just catering to the mindset of typical middle management ass wipes…

    “We want someone with the experience and skills to solve this really difficult problem but we don’t want to have to pay them too much and we don’t want to risk any health issues. And we don’t want anyone who looks too frumpy. But, don’t discriminate or anything.”

  9. Sometimes I assume too much and the message isn’t clear.
    Let me give a more concrete example of what I am talking about with Facebook.

    Whether you like it or not, Facebook is gargantuan. A huge percentage of people get their daily information through Facebook news, and their timelines are filled with people they have “liked.”

    Pamela was utilizing the power of Facebook very early on, I never got into it, never quite understanding it.

    Pamela’s site rose in influence to heights unimaginable. She was, without a doubt, the highest ranked singular site (meaning one person, one editor, one contributor, no one else) in the country.

    Facebook never put any of her articles in their personal newsfeed (something that can give you a reach beyond anything you have ever imagined, reaching tens of millions of eyeballs at a time) but her presence was huge due to likes.

    Facebook hates her. They hate what she stands for. They hate her message.
    So, what did Facebook do?

    Suddenly her articles were not appearing in the timelines of people who had liked her.
    Facebook did not link back to her site.

    Boom. Done.
    Her site does not have the reach it once had.

    Should you care?
    That’s for you to decide.

    There are no other games in town similar to Facebook.
    Yes, they are private, they can do what they want. Bla bla bla.

    Consider this.
    People buy computers. They aren’t that tech savvy. The computer comes with a browser preloaded.
    They figure, that’s the way the computer works. They use that browser.
    That browser has the ability to blocks ads from appearing on select sites, crippling the monetization of sites these companies do not agree with politically.

    Science Fiction?
    This will begin happening on February 15th. Welcome to “who cares what they do-ville.”

  10. It’s true, I have to physically go to Geller’s FB page and sometimes it doesn’t load in any new stuff or it doesn’t let you go to her website.
    Meanwhile, no problem with pro-terrorist pages, though.

  11. Ow My Balls,
    Sorry bud, but this is social media.
    We are a bit different because we gather an audience organically, not relying on FB or Twitter for our reach, which insulates us a bit from being targeted by them.
    But not fully. This is how they “get us.”

    We are considered an outlier, and you guys are not as valued in the online ad world as much as a social media influenced eyeballs.
    They like captive audiences that are corralled from a platform where they know who you are so they can target you with ads designed specifically for you. Making more money on you.

    But when they know who you are, a conservative, you are served no ads of great value.
    So where you go, the site is demonetized a bit.
    Have a site where you have no one but conservatives hanging around? They love that. You cripple them in the pocketbook.

    Since many of you do not come here through a social media portal, they don’t know what to make of you, so we are only crippled somewhat by the insidious BIG BROWSER who wants us to die.

    Thank God for Trump. If Hillary had won I am positive they would be making sites like this illegal, citing homophobia, bigotry, Islamophobia. They would have Canadian style councils that would blacklist us and make it perfectly legal for companies like google to disappear us, monetarily, and not listing us in Google searches.

  12. TN Tuxedo, I’m in. I love to try to break things.

    I had a program on a website once that I needed testing. I told my testers that the best they could do for me was to break it. Bless their hearts, they tried!

  13. Prepare to ONLY see pro lefty shit at the beginning of the year with chrome. Large companies will lose profit when they get removed from a large percentage of eyeballs. The other part of this is, now I’m going to assume company X doesn’t like me, and so I won’t buy their shit.

  14. I quit fakebook when the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage, I was so pissed and was about to unload and everything but then I realized it wasn’t worth it and didn’t say a thing online. I’ll never go back ever, fakebook can kiss my ass. My oldest daughter got caught in a big kerfluffle over President Trump’s tax cuts this past week when she mentioned something about them on fakebook and was practically crucified by a lot of her lifetime friends for even mentioning them. A lot of her friends turned out to be Trump haters and now she’s seriously reconsidering her use of fakebook because of this. I think she found out who her real friends are those who will stand by her no matter what or how she thinks about things. It was quite an eye opening conversation with her, she’s 30, married and has an almost 9 month old daughter and realizes now maybe for the first time just how serious things are becoming if you discuss an opinion that is contrary to what most of the lemmings believe.

  15. What I’m personally seeing on FB is “Chunks” of Sites

    For instance I won’t see a Breitbart,Paul Watson or Pam Gellar

    story for a few days..Then I’ll get three or four in a

    row…usually at the bottom of the page…Same for Dennis

    Miller and even Mike Rowe!!

    It’s like they are bunching them together so You’ll grow

    bored and not click on like for them.

  16. BFH,
    What we NEED are conservative alternatives to FaceBorg, et al. There’s already Gab vs Twatter, and Gab seems to be gaining headway, leaving more and more of Twatter to be a Libtard echo chamber (except for President Trump. can you imagine the ‘splosions if President Trump were to leave Twatter and get a Gab account?)

    So all you software engineers, get busy and create! Ask for money through Kickstarter, subscriptions, donations. Time to give the Libtards a competitive run for their money.

  17. 🔥SECEDE!🔥

    I’m telling you, you can’t live “Side-by-side in peace” with these people anymore than the Palestinians and Israelis can.

    🔥You have to secede from liberal family and friends.
    🔥You have to secede from liberal internet-controlled media.
    🔥You have to secede from liberal-controlled news, magazines, newspapers.
    🔥You have to secede physically to states that have less liberals and their supporters.
    🔥You have to secede from their books, thoughts, deeds.
    🔥You have to secede by dividing the country into law-abiding Constitutional theologists, and moral anarchists.
    🔥You have to secede from liberal universities, and even employment.

    There can not be liberals and Conservatives living together, it’s a dysfunctional relationship that harms the other.

    The benefits of a divorce are greater than staying together.

  18. Why aren’t facebook, twitter, and the rest of that shit considered “Common Carriers” by law as the phone company and Post Office used to be?

    They should have no control over the content of the messages or the political predilections of their customers.

    I am a staunch defender of private property, but once these entities go public, they have no censorship leg to stand upon.

    And, yes, that even means views and opinions that I do not support.

    izlamo delenda est …

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