Anti-Trump lunatic is identified as the Museum of Modern Art Stabber – IOTW Report

Anti-Trump lunatic is identified as the Museum of Modern Art Stabber


The crazed fugitive wanted for allegedly stabbing two Museum of Modern Art employees says he “lost it” on Saturday when the two victims refused to let him into the famed museum to see Van Gogh’s masterpiece the ‘Starry Night.’

Gary Cabana, 60, made the apparent admission in a series of bizarre Instagram messages with The Post on Sunday night as he remained on the lam following the Saturday night knifings.

He also placed blame on the victims, saying they conspired with a woman named “Barbara” who he claimed lied to get his museum membership revoked.


“The stabbed girls were in on the BACKSTABBING too,” Cabana wrote in his message. “I don’t backstab, I do the frontside only.”

17 Comments on Anti-Trump lunatic is identified as the Museum of Modern Art Stabber

  1. Put him in a cell with a knife, blare Trump speeches until he stabs himself. We don’t need to be feeding liberal trash who will get a lawyer to claim insanity.

  2. “The stabbed girls were in on the BACKSTABBING too,” Cabana wrote in his message. “I don’t backstab, I do the frontside only.”

    Well at least he’s brutally honest on how he feels about it. We live in a different world, if you don;’t watch your backside no one will. Oh,and if you’re in the business of keeping people out of your business for whatever reason, expect this to happen to you. I would expect more arson to happen. Maybe pissed off millennials who can no longer afford Starbutt lattes.

  3. “I was completely blindsided by the ‘letter’ from security without any meeting or consultation to explain my mental health situation and how important GREAT MOVIES are to my life.”

    Probably has a talking gerbil for an “emosional Support animal”.

  4. manbearpig MARCH 14, 2022 AT 1:26 PM
    “A symbol of weakness and helplessness–the guy throwing office supplies at him.”

    …true, but everyone can only do what they can according to their training, their courage, their knowledge, and their ability. ALICE training actually teaches you to attack with whatever is at hand, as anything is better than nothing.

    At least the guy didn’t just run away screaming like a sissy, or like the folks you see in the background who are NOWHERE NEAR the attack but still run out the door like they were afraid Jesus was coming back to judge them.

    What little the guy did was actually more than I would expect from a liberal, beta male museum staffer who probably never saw a knife attack before.

    At least he didn’t stand there making a phone video for YouTube instead, that’s something…

  5. TSUNAMI MARCH 14, 2022 AT 10:12 AM
    “Guns r bad”

    …the weapon is of less importance than the hand that wields it.

    The reaction times of everyone involved, especially the women, was really, really bad. They hadn’t even seemed to make a threat assessment before he was on top of them, and the only even slightly defensive thing I saw any of them do was try to get a chair between them by rolling it along the floor.

    Not very effective.

    If one of them was armed, would it have made a difference? It doesn’t look like they even made the decision to RUN before he started stabbing, let alone that normally placid, liberal women would have made the decision to draw, acquire, aim and fire effectively.

    And they wouldn’t be the type to carry one in the tube even if they DID have a gun. Probably would have been fumbling with slide and safety while he was prodding with his pigsticker, and instead of a dead stabby guy there would have been a gun wielding stabby guy who could reach out and touch someone more effectively with the gun he took off the woman who didn’t know how to use it.

    That just doesn’t look like a “range time” bunch, is all I’m saying.

    …also, they probably have a normalcy bias. I can’t imagine that selling art museum memberships is typically all that dangerous. If you haven’t seen how violent a mental can get before and how they have absolutely ZERO restraints or hesitation when the voices in their head say “GO!”, then you’re likely to think that guy will just run his mouth and stay on his side of the counter like the script says, and not jump up on it and chase you into the horseshoe of the counter with a weapon you probably didn’t even realize he had until you felt it inside you.

    …if the guy throwing stuff had one, maybe a game changer. He at least had time to recognize a threat and TRY to do something affirmative against it.

    But those women?

    Doubt it.

  6. Except he did stab them in their backs.

    Q: How long would that attack have lasted if anyone was armed and willing.

    As for the idea of them getting in a half hour of stabbing him, that would permanently damaged their psyche. They would have to become a monster like him. Bad idea. Double damage from one incident.

  7. “draw, acquire, aim and fire effectively”

    Whut? you writing some kind of fiction book there? You’re at a range or something?

    At that distance, with a present deadly threat at arms length, there is no “aim” you point and shoot at the belly that’s a matter of inches in front of you. Maybe until it goes click click if he doesn’t drop right away.


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