Antifa Member in Custody After Hospitalizing 56 Year Old Outside ‘Night For Freedom’ Event – IOTW Report

Antifa Member in Custody After Hospitalizing 56 Year Old Outside ‘Night For Freedom’ Event

Breitbart: A 56-year-old man was taken away in an ambulance after he was assaulted by Antifa outside the Night for Freedom gala in New York City, a gathering of the New Right and Trump supporters organized by Mike Cernovich.

The man was reportedly leaving the event when he was set upon by members of “Antifa,” who are classified as a domestic terrorist organization by U.S. security agencies. He is currently in a stable condition at Bellevue hospital.

One Antifa member involved in the assault, David Campbell of Crown Heights, Brooklyn, was arrested on charges of assault, strangulation, criminal obstruction of breathing, resisting arrest, criminal possession of a weapon, and loitering. read more


12 Comments on Antifa Member in Custody After Hospitalizing 56 Year Old Outside ‘Night For Freedom’ Event

  1. The perp’s link at Breitbart took me to the NY Daily News, where the party was instantly identified as “alt-right,” but the attackers were pronounced “protesters.”

    Those puke punks “protesters” need to have their heads split open.

  2. Call in the “Pipehitters Union” and turn this bastard over to them. I’ll be along later with the spatula and emoty coffee can to scrape up the remains. My minimal tolerance for these fuckers is done.

  3. Bradley The Dress Wearing Traitor was invited to the event. Heshe tipped off Anqueefa to the third change of venue. He was invited to each one.

    Commie faggot traitor.

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