Anybody else wondering if she was seated at a replica of the Resolute desk when she tweeted this? – IOTW Report

Anybody else wondering if she was seated at a replica of the Resolute desk when she tweeted this?

The Ghost of White House Christmas Past.

Patriot Retort: Since she isn’t able to pose for a current White House Christmas photo, Granny Clinton is doing the next best thing. This week Hillary tweeted out a holiday message accompanied by an old White House Christmas portrait of her and Bill from over twenty years ago. Go see

26 Comments on Anybody else wondering if she was seated at a replica of the Resolute desk when she tweeted this?

  1. She’s criminal, and borderline insane. But not insane where it relieves her of her criminality.

    The longer that scumbag walks the earth free, the longer America’s judicial system remains a joke, and the more permanent the damage to it becomes.

  2. I’m supposed to care about Hillary, why?

    I simply don’t care about her, or her whereabouts or her sexual orientation or her relationship with her dirtbag husband or her dwindling fan club.

    If I never hear about this irrelevant shit stain again would make me happy.

    Just go the fuck away already. Honestly. Nobody cares.

  3. In the course of reading this post I read the “behind the scenes when Hillary learns the bad news” link embedded in it.

    I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time! Thank you Dianny for lifting my spirits – even if it was written 3 years ago – it was funny as sh*t today.

    I couldn’t help thinking that it could have been put into the “when Hitler finds out…” video memes

  4. …it’s been even sadder than that, for a longer time…

    “You know there’s a replica Oval Office in there somewhere, hidden behind a false wall.”

    “CHAPPAQUA, NEW YORK – More proof of Hillary Clinton’s compulsive presidential aspirations was revealed today by a former aide, Tyrone Gibson, who stepped forward to confirm the existence of a realistic replica of the Oval Office housed deep inside the Clinton compound in Chappaqua, NY, complete with high-definition virtual reality LCD “windows” that display views from the real Oval Office, including real-time weather and even the time of day.”

  5. I don’t know if she’s mentally ill, or just delusional, but I do remember reading that President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton is the most qualified person to ever run for any office in American history. I’m pretty sure that she still believes that nonsense, but I’m withholding judgement until I read all of those 33,000 missing emails. Once I see how she managed her yoga lessons and her daughter’s wedding plans, I’ll be able to make a proper and fair assessment of her qualifications.

  6. Anonymous: No amount of stolen money laundered through the Clinton Global Enrichment Foundation could keep the ghost of Webster Hubble from attending that fabulous extravaganza. I sort of remember that Carlos Danger and Huma were there to bask in the reflected glow of all that power.

  7. Come on people, how else could she send a picture without a colostomy bag and slick Willy not drooling with his mouth hanging open?

    Have some sympathy for the Wicked Witch of whatever state she is from this month.


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