AOC really is the female Biden- She’s a dumb braggart liar – IOTW Report

AOC really is the female Biden- She’s a dumb braggart liar

Ocasio-Cortez Caught Lying to Education Group About Her ‘High’ Test Scores.


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez falsely claimed to a public education group on Saturday that she received a score in the “99th percentile” on a “high-stakes” standardized test, The Washington Free Beacon reported.

While speaking at an “Education Town Hall” in New York City, Ocasio-Cortez, whose first language is Spanish, told the assembled crowd that during her childhood, teachers thought she needed “remedial education” because she “spoke two languages instead of one.”

However, after taking a “high-stakes” test, in which she claimed to have scored in the “99th percentile” across the board, teachers realized she did not need the additional assistance.

There’s just one problem with her statement: “High-stakes” tests ranked by percentiles do not exist.


14 Comments on AOC really is the female Biden- She’s a dumb braggart liar

  1. yeahep …… I had the same pfprblelm .. so fukkin smoart tha tevyer one thinks i’m dum.

    Thas cuz there dum, y’see? I mean, itz like, y[[no those stars taht can’t shine in the day cuz o’da sun? Thhe sun just overbritens eveythin!
    an thas how I izz and shi iz two. shame she ain’t a nig uhh black or she’d be my rimming mate .

  2. This article was on an internet “News” page that included video of a woman licking a toilet seat. While I don’t doubt the voracity of the report, Couldn’t you find a more reputable source?

  3. “I should never be made to feel that being bilingual was a deficit in the first place.”
    ‘be made to feel’

    I’m sorry honey, but I won’t accept responsibility for how you might feel.
    While feelings matter, and should be understood by those having them, they are not necessarily reality, and such consideration should be given, especially before actions might be taken based upon them.
    Often times I try to help another understand their feelings, but in her case, I probably wouldn’t. She is accustomed to using her feelings as weapons.

  4. Something doesn’t pass the smell test
    If she was bilingual why didn’t she just tell the teachers, in English (!), how brilliant she was in the first place?
    What? No comprende’?

  5. Liberals should not be allowed to get near America’s kids.

    They think school choice is tyrannical but its thumbs up to “women’s choice” to bear a child or to abort it.

    Liberals are completely screwed up and so is everything they touch.

  6. People are calling her stupid and underestimating her real danger. Yes, she’s not the most intelligent, but she’s merely an actress, not the power. The people who pull her strings have accurately read just what was needed to fool the public and they’re feeding her what to say. She flubs her lines sometimes, but she and her two cohorts are VERY dangerous nonetheless.

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