Appeals court rules Md. gun control law infringes on Second Amendment rights – IOTW Report

Appeals court rules Md. gun control law infringes on Second Amendment rights

WaTimes: A federal appeals court challenged the legality of Maryland’s assault weapon and high-capacity magazine ban on Thursday, saying the law infringes on the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, in a 2-1 ruling, ordered the original district judge to use stricter constitutional standards in reconsidering an earlier decision that upheld the ban.

“In our view, Maryland law implicates the core protection of the Second Amendment,” Chief Judge William B. Traxler Jr. wrote in the majority opinion. He added that the law “significantly burdens the exercise of the right to arm oneself at home.”  more

5 Comments on Appeals court rules Md. gun control law infringes on Second Amendment rights

  1. About time somebody read the Constitution.

    And I always like to see courts INTERPRET law, as opposed to MAKING law, which is the duty of our legislative bodies.

  2. Of course, Leftists will just ignore the ruling, just as they have ignored the Heller decision.

    0bama set that tone way back in his first term when he banned drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and was constrained by the courts.

    “Court ruled against me? Meh!”

  3. “… right to arm oneself at home …”

    “… the right of the people to keep AND BEAR [emphasis added] Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    Says nothing about “at home.”

  4. While this is a step in the right direction, I wouldn’t get my hopes up. There is some light on the horizon- some recent legislation has been promising.
    But take a look at that organism in the White House.
    And don’t overestimate the Supreme Court.

    That’s right, I said “organism.”

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