Apply background checks for gun purchases to voting – IOTW Report

Apply background checks for gun purchases to voting

If Democrats really believe that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System doesn’t interfere “in any way” with people’s constitutional rights to own a gun, doesn’t it follow that the same system would not constitute an infringement on people’s right to vote?  – Uncle Al

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13 Comments on Apply background checks for gun purchases to voting

  1. I’m guessing here, but Uncle Al spent the hurricane Irma thing with Fur and his mother. I believe that they have conspired into a plan to take over the known universe…..ONE… PET…PORTRAIT….AT A TIME….imagine that as you close your eyes on “Your favorite cat or dog’….are they a portrait? or are they real?…

  2. “we could talk about the government picking up the costs of background checks on gun purchases too.”
    No. I don’t want to pay for someone else’s criminal check when they want to buy a gun. Shouldn’t cost anything, anyway. If the Dems/Libs think it’s such a great idea, they should volunteer to do it for free.

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