Archbishop of Mosul: ‘I Lost My Diocese to Islam…You in The West Will Become The Victims of Muslims’ – IOTW Report

Archbishop of Mosul: ‘I Lost My Diocese to Islam…You in The West Will Become The Victims of Muslims’

Chaldean Catholic Archbishop


CNS -The Catholic archbishop of Mosul, Iraq, who lost his diocese to the Islamic State last year and is now in exile in Erbil (Iraqi Kurdistan), warned that the suffering in Iraq was only a prelude of what European and Western Christians will “suffer in the near future,” and stressed that the West is endangering itself by welcoming “an ever-growing number of Muslims.”

He also emphasized thatwhile the West says “all men are equal,” Islam “does not say that all men are equal,” and “their values” are not our values.

“Our sufferings today are the prelude of those that you, Europeans and Western Christians, will also suffer in the near future,” said Archbishop Emil Nona, as reported in Corriere Della Sera on Aug. 9, 2014.

“I lost my diocese,” said the archbishop.  “The physical setting of my apostolate has been occupied by Islamic radicals who want us converted or dead.


ht/ joseph s


4 Comments on Archbishop of Mosul: ‘I Lost My Diocese to Islam…You in The West Will Become The Victims of Muslims’

  1. Download Beck’s show on Blaze TV from this evening ($1). It’s a concise history lesson on Islamic history and how these 7th Century throwbacks know it like the back of their shite-laden hands — and they’re determined to repeat it — only this time, more to their liking.

    al-Baghdadi even took the same name as the original Caliph.

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