“Are You There Bill Buckley? It’s Me Margaret” – IOTW Report

“Are You There Bill Buckley? It’s Me Margaret”

After a twenty year absence, PBS has given “Firing Line” a reboot. Famous as the longest-running public affairs program, with a 33-year run with the same host, William F. Buckley, Jr, “Firing Line With Margaret Hoover” premiered this weekend. You may remember, Margaret Hoover on the O’Reilly Factor discussing culture issues about six years ago. She went to CNN as political contributor after her time on Fox News.

Not everyone is impressed with Hoover’s conservative credentials. Here

First episode Here


17 Comments on “Are You There Bill Buckley? It’s Me Margaret”

  1. If she were anything other than a Trump-hating RINO she never would have been offered the slot by PBS in the first place. She will be as “Republican” as Anna Navarro.

    William F. Buckley was the personification of institutionally approved “managed opposition”.
    He drained the conservative movement of all passion and falsely denounced and smeared those purged as demagogues.
    I don’t have fond memories of the man nor of his works.

  2. Another hand selected mouthpiece for the Conservatives selected by the socialist/progressive media establishment.

    Oh, thank you socialists and progressives for selecting an unprincipled leader for us misdirected conservatives to follow since McCain is hell bound and Ryan is retiring to cash in as the retired speaker, just like Boehner.

  3. “Another hand selected mouthpiece for the Conservatives selected by the socialist/progressive media establishment.”

    That is how it works with “black leaders” too. The real leaders that have developed organically from within the black communities are frozen out by the media unless they toe the progressive line. They cannot get their message out and the Sharptons and Jacksons and the rest of the usual suspects are the only voice that gets any air time.

  4. The left is ever so helpful. Feminist tell Men what men are supposed to be like. Atheists tell Christians how they are supposed to behave. And leftists tell Conservatives how they should behave. Of course, I still don’t remember the vote a few years ago, that made Arianna Huffington our leader.

  5. The great thing about conservatism is that the core tenets of it have never changed (with the fads). The Hoover Institute preserved 394 of the Firing Line programs and they can be found for free on the Firing Line channel. I’ve been listening to many of them recently. So if the new and improved version is found wanting, you can always listen to just about any topic in the original.

  6. Jd Hastey. I remember well that debate. What Buckley said to Vidal, after Vidal called him a crypto nazi was: Listen you queer you call me a crypto nazi again I’ll slap you so hard you’ll stay plastered.
    The Host, I think it was Howard K. Smith near shit his pants. I was hoping for Buckley to hit the SOB.
    After the election, one of the New York magazines, Vogue, Atlantic, or something had Buckley and Vidal go at each other. I remember reading them assaulting each other. I’d say Buckley destroyed Vidal as a weird, deviant homosexual. Today Vidal would have won hands down. I loved Bill Buckley and Firing Line. He was my mentor before Rush and Levin. I learned a lot of big words too, but could never use them. RIP WFB. An American Patriot.
    The Buckleys: An Irish American Family that far surpassed the Kennedy’s in decency.

  7. @ Uncle Al – Thanks, looked up Taft. WWII Isolationist? – ST – City on the Edge of Forever and Edith Keeler comes to my mind and what coulda woulda happened. YIKES!

    Loved it when Buckley would raise the eyebrows…


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