Arizona House Votes To Repeal 1864 Abortion Ban – IOTW Report

Arizona House Votes To Repeal 1864 Abortion Ban

DC Enquirer:
On Wednesday, the Arizona House voted to repeal the 1864 law that banned abortion in the state after the state Supreme Court ruled earlier this month that the law must go into effect. The 19th century law has been a rallying cry for Democrats in recent weeks who are attempting to put a referendum on the November ballot. The repeal measure will now go to the state Senate where it is expected to pass.

The vote to repeal the law saw three Republicans, state Reps. Matt Gress, Tim Dunn, and Justin Wilmeth, joining Democrats. This coalition of lawmakers reached a total of 32 in favor compared to the 28 Republicans who were against the repeal. The repeal of the law comes after GOP Senate nominee Kari Lake (R-AZ) and presidential nominee Donald Trump expressed their opposition to the law. MORE

9 Comments on Arizona House Votes To Repeal 1864 Abortion Ban

  1. It’s amazing that people are so selfish they perceive that their ‘reproductive rights’ are more important than a human’s right to live – and just so they don’t have to worry about preventing conception.

    I suppose laziness and selfishness are common companions.

  2. People will do what people will do, laws or no laws.
    But don’t pick my pocket to pay for it.
    You want an abortion, pay for it out of your own pocket.
    Accept full responsibility for your actions.


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