Arizona Senate president: Maricopa County supervisors will hand over election material – IOTW Report

Arizona Senate president: Maricopa County supervisors will hand over election material

Geller Report:
At the very least, we can hope it will be proven Trump won so we can force election reform.

By: Jen Fifield, AZ Central, January 20, 2021:

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has agreed to release election material to the Arizona Senate so that the Senate can perform an audit, according to a statement from Senate President Karen Fann.

The announcement comes after a legal battle between the supervisors and Senate that lasted more than a month, and just moments after President Joe Biden was inaugurated. more

Reminder: DNI Ratcliffe Releases Report Showing China Interfered with the 2020 Election and CIA Management Pressured Analysts Not to Report It.

17 Comments on Arizona Senate president: Maricopa County supervisors will hand over election material

  1. …which only means they are done altering or destroying the evidence…

    …if the police though I robbed a bank, somehow I don’t think they’d wait months until I negotiated how and when they could look in my closet for marked 5$ bills…

  2. Oh yeah? Well Dominion is suing everybody who lied about them for billions of dollars, and the media is going give us frequent updates on Dominion’s string of court victories based on brilliant dismantling of the vicious lies against them. Like Bob Mueller and Concord Management:

  3. Given the collected, later found Ballots and voting systems have been under the very suspected Guilty Party’s control for 60++ days. I would be highly surprised if more than what was wanted to be found, is found.

  4. Arizona will never be a red state again, the damage has been done and nobody will see a prison cell, instead they will be promoted to another position or department to destroy more of the state.

  5. You will never find a republican doing anything at all for his voters until it is too late and the democrats have won.


    They are worthless and nothing but a bunch of con men. It’s beyond me how anyone can fall for it. REpublicans are morons.

  6. xxx,

    Maybe there should be a movement for every Republican who voted for or supported Trump to leave the Republican party and take over one of the already existing existing minor third parties by joining them (starting a new one is not as likely to succeed).

    FWIW, I think it might be easy to take over the Reform Party, and make it greater than either the Republicans or Democrats, since it was originally intended to do that and should also attract many of its former membership, which were both disaffected conservatives and liberals, to rejoin.

  7. OK. TRUMP is gone.

    Where are the fighters who said they had the goods on Beijing Biden?

    Quit playing Mr. nice guy.

    There clearly is lots of ugly information on Beijing Biden and his payola.

    Where are the Hunter Biden porno pics.

    When is anyone on the TRUMP team going to play hardball.

    Dump the data.

    Who cares how shitty it is.

    Dump it.

    Make the dems and Beijing Biden look like they are.

    Or are we waiting till.


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