Arnold Schwarzenass says Screw Your Freedom! – IOTW Report

Arnold Schwarzenass says Screw Your Freedom!

Go to 38:17 mark,

The moron makes little sense. He says with freedom you have responsibility. We put traffic lights at intersections. You can’t just say, “I have my freedom”, and speed through the light. You’ll kill someone.

And he says the jab is the same. If you don’t get the jab, or wear a mask, you will infect someone and they will die.

Umm, who am I infecting? The people who wear masks and received the jab?

If I get the jab, but can still die, why am I getting the jab?

Also, people with the jab can infect people, they can infect people who’ve had the jab. There is no difference between me and a person who took the shot in terms of who we could infect and how we can get infected. It sounds like complete horse shit to have gotten the needle.

What good is the jab? Honestly?

It’s not supposed to eradicate the virus, it can’t. It can only, if it works, make the illness less severe. But there are people with the jab dying.

So, what gives?

36 Comments on Arnold Schwarzenass says Screw Your Freedom!

  1. Used to be that you had to be born in the state in which you ran for office, and/or be born in the U.S. to hold federal office.

    Do we have enough proof yet of just how important those laws were?

  2. Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That’s what’s important! Valor pleases you, Crom… so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then the HELL with you!

  3. REALLY, Alex Vindman, a proud leftist and unrepentant treasonous bastard who should at the very least be in prison right now!

    This is the asshole speaking with the other assholes! Why do we let these people spew their bullshit?

  4. Notice how this bullshit changes

    1) You WILL DIE if you get the coof
    2) You WILL DIE if you don’t get the vaccine because the coof will kill you.

    Then they learn the jabbed can still get the coof.

    3) I WON’T DIE when I get the coof

    Wait a sec. I thought no matter what you die if you get the coof.

  5. Go fuck yourself Ahhnold, and go back to stickin’ your kraut sausage into that illegal mexican maid and making shitty movies no one watches you Austrian douche bag.

  6. Don’y Listen to Arnold, he’s not to be trusted. He’s a liar & a cheat. Ask the ex wife, ask the housekeeper, as the illegitimate child.

    Arnold will “never be back” so fade away old koot,,,,

  7. The lifeless attention-seeking lowly STILL looking for any role, anywhere, from anyone. Not happening. Right about now Arnie should be eating road kill instead of dining on lobster. pity.

  8. Spoken like an Austrian. And that is why people not born American cannot (and should not) be president. Bad enough we ever let democrats do it, said the Independent Conservative.


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