“As Seen On TV” – IOTW Report

“As Seen On TV”

“Mahk” and the boys at Zebra Corner take on TV pitch man Hunter Ellis and his favorite “tac” products “Magic Ear” and “Atomic Beam.”

Language Warning: Watch

9 Comments on “As Seen On TV”

  1. Lolol all that’s missing is the stupid music that sounds like Joe Scarborough’s shit. I hit MUTE and pick up my phone when I hear that or the Covid Pianos.

  2. Speaking of “Covid Pianos” (LOL) – there’s no higher contrast on TV than going back and forth between riot coverage and the doom & gloom music of Covid’s “we’re all in this together” advertisements.

    Yeah – Covid & Riots – we’re all in this together.

    Network TV should die. Their corporate sponsors need to STFU.

  3. So when are they going to parody Phil Swift and his lousy Flex tape and Flex seal commercials? And does a home made boat covered with chicken wire and flex seal actually stay afloat and not sink in the water. We could all be millionaires if we had the hutzpah and moxie that these hucksters use to sell their junk on TV. It’s getting to the point that there are no normal commercials that aren’t selling drugs (I love that the side effects are usually worse than the disease they promise to cure) or some cheap worthless crap.

  4. I watch TV only 3 times per week. Mostly MeTV with all the vintage.
    Anyway, this one commercial for some spray on make up comes on and it lasts for 3 or 4 minutes. And they have ‘cher’ singing ‘turn back time’ in the back ground. But that’s all she sings. “Turn back time” each time starting with a different key and loudness. I didn’t realize how much I hated Cher. lol


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