As Teachers Adopt ‘Gender Unicorn,’ More Parents Speak Out – IOTW Report

As Teachers Adopt ‘Gender Unicorn,’ More Parents Speak Out

DC: The so-called “gender unicorn” is raising concerns and sparking anger across more states as teachers involved in sex education adopt the mythical character, which was created by transgender activists to teach children as young as age five about sex and gender identity.

Its creators call the gender unicorn an upgrade to the “genderbread person,” by replacing the man with a sexually ambiguous mythical creature. In addition to a host of semantic issues, the gender unicorn’s creators state that the male and female binary in biology is “a European construct.” The organization that created it says it is “dedicated to transforming the educational environment for trans and gender nonconforming students through advocacy and empowerment.”  more here

25 Comments on As Teachers Adopt ‘Gender Unicorn,’ More Parents Speak Out

  1. So, let’s see here. ‘X’ and ‘y’ chromosomes are now an “European construct,” and basic scientific fact can be overcome “through advocacy and empowerment.”

    Man. Where is that SMOD?

  2. Well, it sure brings the nutjobs out of the woodwork.
    Only thing is, ya gotta lock ’em up right away before they can do any damage.
    And THAT’S gotta change.

  3. Notice how speaking up for yourself is wrong, carving pop-tarts into shapes is wrong, fear of using a bathroom, common core, climate change, etc. were all introduced as new means of transforming the educational environment previous to this newer method of transforming the educational environment. It won’t stop until demands are made to make it stop. Slow creep we’re now stuck with. Now we’ve got 0.0004% of the population dictating how our children learn. Good job, progressives!

  4. The same people screaming “THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED!!!” are the ones saying “Biological truth is subservient to the whims of emotionally disturbed minds.” That should work out just fine.

  5. Liberals are always organized because most work in government and their job is basically to screw you. Unfortunately conservatives have to work most of the time (ironically, to support the liberals) and don’t have time to organize. It’s way past time to do something about this bullshit. Boycott the ENTIRE educational system, quit paying your taxes, be like Ghandi, QUIT BEING AN F-in’ SLAVE!!!!!

  6. ..basic scientific fact can be overcome “through advocacy and empowerment.” (what Century (no, what millenium) is this ?! )

    IOW, Idiocy Rules. A militant, determined idiocy. How much ground will we cede?

    Toleration be damned, man the counteroffensive. Our government colludes with this garbage.

  7. Would be nice if enough parents could take their kids out of that class all at once and demand their kids will return ONLY after the teacher is removed.

  8. If you are born a male, you are a male. If you are sexually attracted to other males, you are still a male. If you want to have hormone therapy and undergo surgery to be a female, you are still a male who wants to be a female. If you like both males and females, you are still a male. If you dress in women’s clothing, you are still a male.

    You would have a lot of choices about lifestyle, but choosing your gender is not a choice you can make.

  9. Please don’t remind the left-collectivist educationists that private property is “a European construct.” They would dedicate themselves to transforming the education environment for robbers, burglars, embezzlers, car-jackers, home invaders, and other nonconforming students through advocacy and empowerment.

  10. Next time someone tries this “I identify as” crap on you, tell ’em this: “You can’t assume I’m not the boss of you because my name doesn’t appear at the bottom of your paychecks. I identify as your employer. Therefore, shut the hell up or you are fired.”

    When they say you can’t do that, say: “I can become your employer a lot easier than I can become a member of the opposite sex.”

  11. I’m sorry, but this is just flat out child abuse! This mental cruelty disguised as “education” designed to confuse and cripple the next generation as part of the Leftist push to weaken America any way possible! Start calling it what it really is: Child Abuse.

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