As The Horribly Biased Media Carps About Trump Vacation Cost, Trump Renegotiated Air Force One Cost Down By One Billion Dollars – IOTW Report

As The Horribly Biased Media Carps About Trump Vacation Cost, Trump Renegotiated Air Force One Cost Down By One Billion Dollars

It took him an hour of negotiating.

When did Obama do anything similar?


11 Comments on As The Horribly Biased Media Carps About Trump Vacation Cost, Trump Renegotiated Air Force One Cost Down By One Billion Dollars

  1. Yeah. Obama takes more vacations than any previous President, his family takes numerous world wide jaunts that we pay for, but the press says nothing, nothing at all. Trump takes an in country WORKING vacation after doing more in his first 30 days than Obama did in 8 years, and the MSM has a shit fit.

    These pukes are so predictable it’s not even funny anymore.

  2. I don’t think the US President should travel to visit foreign countries at all. They should come here. At least as far as visiting foreign leaders. If the President wants to visit deployed troops, absolutely. But not foreign politicians. Because they all get money and support from us. Every single one of them.

    Let them show up here, hat in hand, and admit they need us.

    We dignify far too many shitholes and the shit weasels that rule there with state visits from our chief executive.

    Time to stop that.

  3. This just keeps getting better and better. Wait until Trump gets a full report from his investigative team looking into the embedded bureaucracy in every department. And Koskinen’s head is on a pike on the Memorial Bridge.

  4. Barry spent $96 Billion, and that may not have included his “family”.
    To help President Trump reduce costs, the press should be barred from Air Force 1.
    Let them book their own commercial flights to where ever he is going. No more free lunch for the morons of duh media.

  5. @Lowell and @Extirpates:

    Excellent ideas, both of you. Go to the WH website and e-mail President Trump. Someone will take note and more than likely, pass on these suggestions (but, please provide some additional details in your e-mails–not too many, just enough to get noticed!).

  6. Here’s what the Fake Media said of Obama’s Appointments during his first 30 days in office 2009:
    “Hard-headed realists, moderates and geniuses.”
    “Superstars with so much brain power.”
    “A diverse mosaic.”
    And, according to Evan Thomas of Newsweek, Obama “is like a God.

    Now here’s these same “effete snobs” on President Trump’s appointees:
    “Racially insensitive ignoramuses.”
    “Billionaires and a few Generals.”
    “A group of hawks.”
    “Team of radicals.”
    “Too white.”
    And the President himself, an anti-Semite, racist, narcissist.

    My source: Media Research Center, Brent Bozell’s watchdog group.
    How can anyone with half a brain trust these lickspittles ever again?

  7. I’m waiting for Trump to use the line Joe Piscopo used back when he did his Sinatra imitation back when SNL was funny. “I’ve got chunks of guys like you in my stool.”

  8. Will one of the Fake News behemoths break rank and blow up the House of Lies?
    Necessity is the mother of invention; they’re bleeding cash and shrinking fast, you’d figure one of them would want to keep their job to pay their rent.
    OTOH, these are stupid, stubborn ideologues. Chances are zero, but perhaps some young ambitious, career-minded group will take up the mantel of Real Journalists and walk into an open field with unlimited potential.

  9. Trump ought to make it a policy that whenever traveling to a foreign capital or a US city where there is a Trump hotel then instruct that everyone stays there then comps the whole officla party. That ought to shut up them up for awhile.

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