At last, a professor who speaks the truth about “libtards” – IOTW Report

At last, a professor who speaks the truth about “libtards”

“My students are ‘woke’ and are overwhelmingly against illegal immigration after taking my class,” he added.

But Zhou told the paper he does not force students to share his opinions.

His critics, however, argue that many of Zhou’s assertions have been debunked and they object to some of the terms he uses in his comments, such as “libtards,” and “ghetto thugs.”

18 Comments on At last, a professor who speaks the truth about “libtards”

  1. Has anyone ever done an honest and strictly factual analysis of the net cost of illegals to America?

    Most analysis I’ve encountered, either left or right inspired, tend to slant things one way or another without ever giving a true and complete unbiased accounting.

  2. People just need to consider their rising taxes for schools and public healthcare. In Houston, our real estate taxes are going through th roof. This situation really hurts those on fixed incomes such as retirees.

  3. I don’t really GAF whether illegal-alien invading rat-people are a net loss to America or a gross loss – they are inherently a criminal class – by violating our most fundamental right as a sovereign nation – simply by being here.

    If we wanted or needed them, we would extend an invitation. The fact that they sneak in like rats defines them.

    Fuck them. Fuck their enablers – on either side of the border – they are traitors if on this side, invaders if on the other.

    I’m surprised and en-heartened that a member of Academia would risk all by stating a fact.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Anonymous June 8, 2019 at 12:11 pm

    > Has anyone ever done an honest and strictly factual analysis of the net cost of illegals to America?

    Define “America”.

    (Can’t help that “tone”. But the numbers have been, and continually are, run. And the results are “astonishingly” — please note the tone — different. Depending on how you “define ‘America'”. Here’s a hint: “Why can’t you compare the current ‘national’, headline, economic figures, with those from 50 years ago?”.)

  5. Why is it when liberal professors say or do outrageous things, their jobs are protected by tenure, but when a conservative speaks the truth, his job is in jeopardy? Rhetorical question; no answer necessary.

  6. Tony R – It doesn’t get anymore outrageous than what happened a Duke University where 88 “perfessers” back in 2006 stood as judge, jury and executioners simply as blind allegiance to the Leftist agenda. How do we know this? Because despite the 10s of millions of dollars that it cost the University, not one “perfesser” got fired! I predict the same thing will happen at Oberlin where they just handed the judgement to Gibsons Bakery with punitive judgements to be determined next week. Just like fining an NFL player $10,000 the fine means nothing. We can now see that these payouts are treated as simply the cost of doing business in their well financed war from within to destroy the United States. These “perfessers” need to be fired and their institutions destroyed with judgements that are 10 and 100 times larger than what is usual and customary! It’s gotta hurt and it’s gotta set an example!!

  7. @Tim June 8, 2019 at 12:45 pm

    > I don’t really GAF whether illegal-alien invading rat-people are a net loss to America or a gross loss – they are inherently a criminal class – by violating our most fundamental right as a sovereign nation – simply by being here.

    So remember, you card carrying members of NAMBLA: As soon as we legalize pædophilia, @Tim’s supplying the babies. Coz it’s fine, as long as it’s “legal.”

  8. @TRF June 8, 2019 at 1:39 pm

    > I predict the same thing will happen at Oberlin where they just handed the judgement to Gibsons Bakery with punitive judgements to be determined next week. Just like fining an NFL player $10,000 the fine means nothing.

    Well, when the “fine” comes from the taxes, shared with the university, from the goobers that are too stupid to worship the university… “imposed” by the royal courtiers, payed by the taxes, shared with the university, from the goobers that are too stupid to worship the university… who worship the university. It’s almost — oh! not really goobers! just “almost” — a joke thing that makes you (if you worship the university) go “Hmmm.”

  9. A. Moose,

    A link to one please?

    As in one not sponsored or conducted by some political group?

    As in politically neutral and strictly factual with all pertinent facts considered?

    As in one both sides agree on for it’s factual and analytical validity?

    No, I don’t expect you to provide one, although I would expect some “moron” to try to substitute something else claiming it was what I asked for even though it obviously isn’t.

  10. Anonymous (of JUNE 8, 2019 AT 2:14 PM),

    I’m sure you have some point but it eludes me.
    What has NAMBLA to do with illegal-alien invading rat-people?

    izlamo delenda est …

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