ATF forgot to comply with policy, accidentally creating gun owner database – IOTW Report

ATF forgot to comply with policy, accidentally creating gun owner database

PersonalLiberty: The government’s top watchdog revealed in a new report that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) essentially maintained a database of law-abiding gun owners by ignoring its own policies.

According to Government Accountability Office (GAO) auditors, ATF failed to remove the names of gun purchasers from its Multiple Sales (MS) database and another system called Access 2000 which allowed it to stockpile information on lawful gun owners by scouring the records of out of business federal firearms license holders.

FFLs are required to report to the ATF the names of customers who purchase multiple firearms at once. ATF is supposed to keep the names on file for no longer than two years, after which policies require that the agency remove identifying information about the buyers if the firearms haven’t been linked to a crime.

But for more than two decades, the agency has failed to comply with the privacy protection policies with regularity.  MORE

14 Comments on ATF forgot to comply with policy, accidentally creating gun owner database

  1. Y’know, the Geheime Staats Polizei wasn’t “secret” any more than our BATFE is “secret” in their actions. EVERY-fuckin-GOV’T AGENCY under Obola is corrupt! I have no idea what it will take to awaken the American people, but awaken we must, if America has any chance of resurrection.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Another instance where government agencies and breaks the laws of the Nation with no consequences.

    Remember fast and furious gun running and the on-going cover-up?
    Remember Waco and the murders?
    Remember Ruby Ridge?

    There are countless cases of ATF over-reach and arrogance while ignoring the laws of civilized countries and our constitution. Just another arm of this Nation’s secret police operating outside the law.

  3. “Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.” – Hanlon’s Razor

    Hanlon’s Razor was meant to be a philosophical device, not a smoke screen to hide the truth.

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