Atlanta Police Walking Off the Job After Fulton County Prosecutor Charges Officer Garrett Rolfe – IOTW Report

Atlanta Police Walking Off the Job After Fulton County Prosecutor Charges Officer Garrett Rolfe

Big League Politics: A considerable element of the Atlanta Police Department are leaving their posts in the wake of the controversial criminal charges filed against Officer Garrett Rolfe, who was recently fired from the department after a shooting of a man many are claiming was legally justified.

Rolfe shot and killed Rayshard Brooks when attempting to arrest the 27-year old for suspicion of driving under the influence. The latter had resisted arrest and taken Officer Rolfe’s taser device, deploying it against him as he fled the police before being shot.

Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard announced that he would prosecute Rolfe on felony murder charges with the possibility of the death penalty on Wednesday. However, some Georgia law enforcement point to the shooting as a justified use of force, with Burke County Sheriff Alfonzo Williams pointing to the incident as a justified shooting after the suspect used the taser against police officers. more

25 Comments on Atlanta Police Walking Off the Job After Fulton County Prosecutor Charges Officer Garrett Rolfe

  1. I was wondering when and where this would start. Although I’m sorry for many people in Atlanta who don’t deserve the inevitable explosive increase in crime, I’m glad this is happening in such a big and “diverse” city, especially one largely surrounded by areas populated by mostly peaceful people who won’t put up with much overflow of city troubles.

  2. …the prosecutor is deliberately overcharging so the officer gets acquitted. This will ignite riots x10 by the Soros/Dem whipped up lofo didndus, and put President Trump on the spot to violate double jeaopordy by bringing Federal civil rights charges just in time for the elections. This will not mollify the rioting Atanteans who are also needing the excuse to loot stores replenished from the last round, but WILL alienate LEO from the President while doing nothing to draw Black voters, even when a Democrat “judge” illegally convicts the officer, because they’ll say it’s too little, too late, and go on rioting.

    The whole point of ALL of this is that ALL Democrats are all-in on colluding to destroy this President and this Country, and don’t care who or how many die in the attempt, especially since they don’t like Black people anyway, which is why they were replacing them with illegals.

    This is all to do their master’s bidding, because he knows hus time is nearly up…

    “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”

    Revelation 12:12

    …all this is a GOOD sign, looked at THIS way, IF you’re ready to be caught up with the Lord…

  3. …FWIW, I go South fairly often and, to me, the only purpose Atlanta serves is to be something to drive completely around, and only actually go there long enough to change planes to go somewhere else…

  4. JDHasty
    JUNE 18, 2020 AT 12:09 AM

    “UPDATE: A source in the Atlanta PD ”

    …I’m surprised there’s still enough Atlanta PD left to even answer the phones, truth be told…

    …no mutual aid=no effective manpower=Atlanta is officially anarchial.

    God help them. No one ELSE will…

  5. …FD and EMS will be gone, too. They don’t operate in a vacuum, and with no scene protection, will not be able to do more than load & go, and probably won’t be able to fight riot-caused fires AT ALL…

    …change “Chicago” to “Atlanta”, and here yuh go…

  6. …in the video, you can see the drunken Black man ACTUALLY fires the Tazer at the officer. He’s not JUST fleeing, he’s running and GUNNING. The light goes ON, and the probes shoot out. Since this could have incapacitated the officer, deadly force was an appropriate response.

    My mother taught me from tbe age I could fire a cap gun to NEVER point ANYTHING at a Policeman, or I would DIE.

    …too bad Rayshawn’s mom didn’t do the same for HIM…

  7. Atlanta, another leftist stronghold sabotaging their own police department. Glad there are officers done with this crap and have walked away. Hope Atlanta cops quit in droves. Enough already!
    Praying for the officers set up by Atlanta’s ditzy progressive mayor to appease “woke” anarchists. Also, planning on contributing financially to their defense fund.

    BTW, a great rant by a former police officer who hates what happened to the cops in Atlanta; .

  8. The officers walking out should make it known that no police will be anywhere near the prosecutor’s office, in case anyone sent to prison at some time was interested.

    If the officer’s case is like any other it isn’t going to be tried before the election.

  9. We have family living and working the Metro-Atlanta area (Stockbridge, Roswell and Lawrenceville Ga. They say the charges are nothing more than the stupid misdirected idea of Black Pandering that by charging a cop will prevent a major protest, arson, riots and looting.
    PLUS…. in case you missed it Mayor Bottoms ☺ name is on the Biden short list for VP. So there is likely a lot upper Democrat party leadership pushing racial agenda for election.

    If you have seen the full body cam video you’ll quickly understand the asleep in the drive-thru under the influence (drugs and/or alcohol) could not be woken until police arrived. Then he fought 2 police, attempted repeatedly to remove the officers holstered firearms, managed to get a TAZAR, shot at the officers missed and attempted again.

    Stop and imagine him zapping one or both officers and gaining access to their firearms? Do you think you would be alive today?

    Seriously if Atlanta’s Leadership idea of Black Pandering is the solution then Atlanta will still have Riots, looting and burn.

  10. I live in NE Atlanta. You couldn’t pay me enough to go into the city after dark. My observations:
    First doctored video was released showing white cop unloading on black guy and then multiple other videos were released by the people in the drivethru that showed series of events. Somehow bodycam video was also released in the ongoing investigation that discounted first videos.
    Mayor KLB ignored APD protocol and encouraged city council to fire cop before internal GBI investigation was complete. She also called cop a murderer in front of reporters.
    Police Chief quit.
    Lame Duck DA filed 11 charges before internal GBI investigation was complete. One of those was murder.
    In an early statement Mayor KLB said a taser in the hands of a cop was a deadly weapon. KLB latter stated the taser in the hands of a black man was non-life threatening.

    KLB has stirred the race war pot and stoked the fire. ATL cops know they do not have upper management support and will be thrown to the wolves. Police officers eligible to retire are dropping their packages to make it happen. Every county outside the ATL beltway is being flooded with applications in the local PD’s and sheriff’s offices. Only fools travel into the city unarmed.

  11. If anyone is waiting for a massive walkout don’t hold your breath. The Atlanta PD is about 58-59% black and only 37% white.
    I don’t see a solid blue wall behind this outrage.

  12. In the very near future, ALL police officers will be black. No sane white person would ever volunteer to be a cop in any city with even a moderate level of black population. Black criminals know the score, and if a white cop stops them, they will resist or run; cops can’t pursue or fight or use any kind of weapon. Crime now has no consequence, if you are the right color.


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