AT&T and Other Big Corporations Put “Racial Justice” Before Employees and Shareholders – IOTW Report

AT&T and Other Big Corporations Put “Racial Justice” Before Employees and Shareholders

The Federalist

In June 2020, at the height of the pandemic and riots, AT&T laid off 3,400 employees and shut down more than 250 of its retail stores. And in 2022, AT&T cut its quarterly dividend from $0.52 per share to $0.2775 per share to redirect cash flows toward righting its stretched balance sheet and revitalizing its stagnant legacy businesses.

The company’s dividend payments were substantially less than its adjusted earnings-per-share before the nearly 50 percent cut and were closer to figures from before cell phones were ubiquitous, back when the company was still advertising long-distance calls for 10 cents a minute.

While shareholders were understandably frustrated by the news, they should be furious to learn that all the while AT&T committed more than $3.1 billion toward racial justice. More

10 Comments on AT&T and Other Big Corporations Put “Racial Justice” Before Employees and Shareholders

  1. AT&T doesn’t even learn from The Bell System’s evil bullshit.

    Bell in the late 70s had a big push for female outside plant technicians. Huge evil communist propaganda explosion. This woman’s face was plastered all over the Bell ads. It was all fucking puke.

    97 pound blue-eyed blond woman on gaffs. What a crock. I’d like to see her carry a lasher up there, or haul up a baker board. Or carry a 28 foot ladder through a split level house to get to a fucking pole in an alley.

    Eat shit and die. They have been playing games for too long.

  2. Erik

    PG&E kills a bunch of people. Get sued, loses in court. Owes victims families a ton of money. PG&E goes back to court and sues for the right to pass on said pay offs to victims to PG&E consumers. Wins. PG&E has killed a ton of folks. Remember all the gas lines exploding in Southern San Fran. Consider all the forest fires they’ve lit. That’s why my utility bill runs 1K plus every month.

  3. Every time I hear the term “Bell” I think about the Bell FSK technology, frequency shift key that superimposes a digital signal on an analog line that makes up the HART Communication Protocol.

    It had to be exciting being an engineer back in the day discovering new shit.
    Of course the company likely got all the money & glory from it.
    Kind of like working for this fucking government.

  4. LocoBlancoSaltine
    AT 12:43 AM
    “Every time I hear the term “Bell” I think about the Bell FSK technology, frequency shift key that superimposes a digital signal on an analog line that makes up the HART Communication Protocol.”

    …I installed a 2022 flow meter just yesterday that uses HART protocol for two-wire communication to a FlexIO analog input. Didn’t realize its pedigree went that far back, pretty anazing for back in the day…

  5. …I guess “Fiduciary Duty”, along with the 14th Amendment as it applies to White people, is one of those pesky little laws you’re excused from if you’re sufficiently Democrat…

  6. Speaking of woke companies,anyone see the BC/BS commercial on YouTube about insuring and procuring “justice” for “black birthing persons”? Are you shitting me? Instead of finding ways of reducing their premiums they hop on this train? Black births outpace white births as a proportion to their population so what justice we speaking here. And if BC/BS pays for the birth of a baby from a male, then I want all my past rejected claims paid in full. Asswipes


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