AT&T To Pay $6 Million To SEC To Settle Lawsuit Over Leaks To Analysts – IOTW Report

AT&T To Pay $6 Million To SEC To Settle Lawsuit Over Leaks To Analysts

OAN: (Reuters) – AT&T Inc. has agreed to pay a $6.25 million penalty to settle a Securities and Exchange Commission lawsuit accusing the phone company of selectively leaking financial information to Wall Street analysts, the SEC said in a court filing.

Three executives of the company: Christopher Womack, Kent Evans and Michael Black, who the SEC alleged were involved in violating Regulation FD, or fair disclosure, also agreed to each pay a $25,000 penalty without admitting or denying the regulator’s allegations, the filing said. MORE

13 Comments on AT&T To Pay $6 Million To SEC To Settle Lawsuit Over Leaks To Analysts

  1. “… selectively leaking financial information to Wall Street analysts …”

    would’a got away w/ it if they leaked it to Congress … or the Biden Crime Syndicate®️ …. freakin’ amateurs

  2. so, they aren’t tried in a court of law, the fine was less than the amount derived through the sale of illegally obtained financial information, and the fine itself was paid to the sec, not those who were injured by having their financial privacy violated.
    this is how our government works now
    they make money by letting criminals off with a wrist slap
    and if someone tries to take at&t to criminal court, their lawyers will cry ‘double jeopardy’

  3. diane reynolds ☑ DECEMBER 4, 2022 AT 11:01 PM

    “and the fine itself was paid to the sec, not those who were injured”

    Exactly what has bothered me about any fine that’s assessed.


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