Attention Shoppers! Covid Special – IOTW Report

Attention Shoppers! Covid Special

Skip to 1:45 to see a man in an English supermarket play a prerecorded message about government’s opportunistic response to Covid-19.

The goal, though, is to not have to wear a mask if you don’t want to, not to demand other people stop wearing them.

I hope that the two freedoms can co-exist.

ht/ js

6 Comments on Attention Shoppers! Covid Special

  1. I dunno, the only message to get across is to not wear a mask, and get in their face if they demand it. Or, wear a mask wiping your hands all over it (people do it all the time), then sample the grapes and berries in the produce section. Saw a guy pick up a carton of chicken Alfredo, sample it, decided he didn’t like it and put it back. I said something to the store manager, I won’t do it again. They don’t care what you do as long as you’re wearing a diaper on your face. Saw a woman yesterday with a mask on. She sneezed, pulled her mask down, wiped her hand over her nose, business as usual. One more thing, get the jab meet the slab.

  2. Hardly anyone wears masks any more where I live, except black folks in the larger towns. I went to a client appreciation dinner at an upscale restaurant last Thursday where there were over one hundred people and not a single mask. Nobody even mentioned masks. People are getting fed up and they’re not going to take it any more.

  3. The most deaths in a third coronavirus wave will consist of people who have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, British scientists are warning in a new doomsday report.

    “The resurgence in both hospitalizations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively,” the study predicts.

    To combat the spike in mortality, the scientists are calling for new vaccines in the medium-term as measures to extend the period of lockdown before new vaccines are deployed.


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