Audio Of Hillary – The NRA Doesn’t Represent the Majority of Americans’ Views – IOTW Report

Audio Of Hillary – The NRA Doesn’t Represent the Majority of Americans’ Views

19 Comments on Audio Of Hillary – The NRA Doesn’t Represent the Majority of Americans’ Views

  1. NRA is MIA while still collecting a lot of money. So she’s right. The NRA can’t give up on a state and move on. That’s the state the should be spending all “our” money in. All those fuckers are doing is making commercials. Check out Gun Owners Of America. And call your local NRA rep and give them hell.

  2. Al, It’s telling that the left thinks the NRA is an entity unto itself fabricating astro-turf issues and driving guns sales all by itself without any real support from the people.

    Just like they do.


    They may not represent a majority of America and while GOA is better at serving the people’s will – neither do they represent a majority of Americans – both are people supported and not something fake like almost all the entities on the left are.

  3. “etter at serving the people’s will – neither do they represent a majority of Americans – both are people supported and not something fake like almost all the entities on ”

    Wow. Gun Owners of America has stepped up and filled the void. Do they represent most Americans? Maybe not. But they represent patriotic American gun owners much better than the fucking NRA. I’ve met these guys, and beleive me they recognize the battle. Figures they’d use the world champ slide bite gun in the caption.

  4. I think you’re missing the point, Brad.

    That wasn’t a knock on GOA.

    “both are people supported and not something fake like almost all the entities on the left are” <- point

  5. Good grief. 6 years of firing 10mm Glocks and not one slide bite. They actually have a tail, albeit not a duck’s tail.

    I’d say you’re doing it wrong but you don’t use them at all.

  6. “They may not represent a majority of America ”

    If GOA had all the NRA members we would be making an impact. That’s my point. The NRA continues to make commercials, including one with Dana (Suck Glenn Becks Dick Loecsh). Zero impact. No grass roots or local shit. By the way, notice how Uncle Ted no longer is involved with the NRA?

  7. When was the last time Hillary represented the majority of Americans or this Nation? Uhh, Never.

    How do you sell ambassadorships, jobs, favors, contracts, grants, take $100s of Millions from International Corporations, Foreign governments and Billionaires, create death and destruction in Benghazi, Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, breach National Security Policies and laws and still think you are representing Americans and our Nation?

    You incompetent, ignorant, Traitorous, Murdering, Money Grubbing, Bitch.

  8. “Good grief. 6 years of firing 10mm Glocks and not one slide bite. They actually have a tail, albeit not a duck’s tail.”

    That’s why your groups suck. And it’s a beaver tail. Having said all that I picked up a 17 yesterday. They are advantages to that design. If you have meaty hands and grab it like your suppose to your gonna get bit. Unless, you purchase an aftermarket beaver tail. Like I did. I’ll be working with it over the next couple weeks and will report back.

  9. I look forward to it, Brad. The 17 should be as good as it gets for handling.

    I wouldn’t recommend any of the 10mms to anyone for rapid firing. I picked it up as a hog gun. Something I didn’t mind taking out in the woods and getting dirty.

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