Austin neighborhood residents worry about crime – IOTW Report

Austin neighborhood residents worry about crime

American Wire: Residents of one Austin, Texas neighborhood are expressing concerns about worsening crime as there continues to be a serious problem with the understaffing of the local police department.

The Montopolis area in the southeast part of the Lone Star State’s capital city is worried about safety and fed up over being awakened by gunshots with criminality on the uptick in the neighborhood, just as it is in other Democrat-controlled cities across the nation.

Delwin Goss, an elderly neighborhood resident, told Austin ABC affiliate KVUE that he woke up to the sound of what he believed to be pounding on the outside of his bedroom wall at about 1:30 a.m. on Thursday. more

24 Comments on Austin neighborhood residents worry about crime

  1. Council Member José Miguel Anwar Velásquez represents the Montopolis neighborhood on the Austin city clowncil. Mr. Goss more than likely voted for him. Mr. Velasquez, a self-admitted community activist is far more concerned with violating ethics rules than Mr. Goss’ well being.
    The COA CC consists of 9 radically leftist members & Mayor and 1 relatively conservative member. I don’t believe Mr.Goss should hold his breath before conditions in his neighborhood improve.

  2. Austin is the most liberal part of TX.
    As such it is the softest target in the state!

    Maybe people on the Left should start realizing that dumbed-down, self-absorbed, White guilt-ridden, Holier-Than-Thou, Gay-obsessed, Prius-driving, coexist bumper-sticker, bottled-water-drinking, granola-eating, celebrity-obsessed, Politically Correct, rainbow-plantation, carpet-bagging, kumbaya-singing, hashtag opportunistic, Xanax-disabled, Valium-dependent, encephalopathic bowl-winders Liberals are soft and vulnerable to attack!!

  3. I try to avoid going into even the so called good parts of Austin.

    Montopolis & east Austin… Kind of like the Oakland, CA projects when I was kid, but with legal open carry.

  4. I haven’t the energy left to care how bad things get in leftist ruled places… including my own. I carry a firearm with an extra magazine and have a backup piece on hand as well. At all times. Voting no longer works here in Washington state, hasn’t since all mail in was perfected. I still vote, but I’m not naive, I only do it to make their job a speck harder.

    Oh well. They’ll go after softer targets first, then work their way around to the harder.

  5. “You voted for it. Just STFU.”

    Uhhh… No. Not at all. Well, the open carry & constitutional carry, yes. But not any of the f***ing Soros DA BS that’s been going on in Austin the last 10 or so years. I escaped Kamalafornia to live life with the proper minded & sensible Texan’s circa 2003… The problem is too many useful idiots followed.

    If I could pick one mistake… I cooked up a Texas style chili for a potluck back at the corporate mother-ship in ’09. There are no beans in a proper chili. I should have made tofu or something… Alas…


  6. I live in a very safe subdivision in the country. Years ago, two lesbians attempted to break into a home here to steal stuff. A fourteen-year-old boy who was home alone blasted them with a shotgun as they broke through a window. As far as the sheriff’s office was concerned, he was a hero. No charges for the boy and the carpet-munchers went to jail when they got out of the hospital. The county DA lives just down the street from me. His mother lives a few houses away from him.

  7. Kali Refugee in Texas

    You’re actually going to blame this on Californians? New Flash pal, you were plum fucking out of Californians about ten years ago. How many of us mother fuckers do you honestly think there are? Grow the fuck up.

  8. Brad,

    Satire (noun): the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, to expose, denounce, or deride the folly or corruption of institutions, people, or social structures.

    And don’t blame me for your $800/yr truck registration.


  9. Wait? You have money?
    Buy a gun.
    Buy ammunition.
    Practice. Get proficient.
    Learn The Four Esses.
    Suppress. Shoot. Shovel. Shut Up.
    Deal with the situation one at a time.
    If you’re not willing to do at least that, then Stop yer Snivilin’.

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