Australia’s Giant Bird Was a Goose – IOTW Report

Australia’s Giant Bird Was a Goose

Natural History Museum

The face of a giant flightless bird has been reconstructed tens of thousands of years after it was last seen by humans.

Living more than 45,000 years ago, Genyornis newtoni would have been one of the many large animals, or megafauna, living in ancient Australia. Standing over two metres tall [six and a half feet] and weighing up to 240 kilogrammes [530 lbs], it would have been an imposing presence for the first humans to reach the continent.

Shortly after humans arrived, however, Genyornis went extinct. The birds are thought to have been eaten into extinction, with climate change hastening their demise. Their extinction was so rapid that only one poorly preserved skull was thought to have survived, leaving much to learn about this enormous bird. More

15 Comments on Australia’s Giant Bird Was a Goose

  1. Mean while that rocket surgeon and Epstein frequent flyer Bill Gates wants to put sun glasses on the sun. I read many years ago that if you dropped the earths temperature by 1 degree the end result would be the extinction of civilized man. And mean while we’re going to let nerd central determine our fate? I don’t think so Bill. You are an idiot.

  2. There were also thirteen foot tall anteaters. There must have been a lot of ants.

    A six and a half foot goose would be pretty scary. Thank G-d for 3 inch magnum 12 gauge.

  3. 45,000 years?

    No. The earth and its atmosphere, WAS different before Noah’s flood.

    The atmospheric pressure was higher and the oxygen content was higher. Science proves this out.
    The earth was a giant hyperbaric oxygen chamber then.

    That’s why everything was bigger and lived longer. That’s why a 70 ton dinosaur could breathe through nostrils the size of a horse.

    With less pressure and oxygen now, things don’t get as big or live as long or stay as healthy.

    The idea that there is some condition that we can maintain, is ridiculous. What folly to try and only fools will believe.

    The climate change agenda is all about controlling people. Nothing more.

  4. “Shortly after humans arrived…”
    So much for the myth of aborigines “living as one with nature”. That big of a bird could feed a tribe for a week.
    “Hey, pass a drumstick!”


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