Miss America Cage Match 2
The winner between the 60s and the 90s was the 60s – Click more to vote on the 70s versus the 80s
The winner between the 60s and the 90s was the 60s – Click more to vote on the 70s versus the 80s
Vdare: Can this really be true? Could Jeb Bush be renouncing multiculturalism? Yes, but only by redefining the term. From the AP:
The big brain can’t take a selfie without looking. Story ht/ refuse/resist
Now he’s grinning ear to ear. See HERE HT/ Billy Fuster
This… this may be the story to end all stories. If your prepubescent son dies before he has a chance to carry on the family lineage, the Chinese are working [Read More]
After hearing this interview, I cannot begin to understand how friggin batsh!t crazy Manson must be. Why is this lunatic out of prison? Via Progressives Today
The Progressive’s Pope ABC News Compares the Words of BERNIE SANDERS TO POPE FRANCIS Nah, there’s no bias in the media.
This’ll piss you off even MORE. Television station covering Yom Kippur uses symbol Nazis forced Jews to wear during holocaust era. ht/ mel
This’ll piss you off even more. Hat tip/ Viet Vet
WeeklyStandard: As an addendum to Jonathan Last’s piece about the bizarre willingness of liberals rushing to the defense of illiberal Muslims so long as it makes the GOP look bad, [Read More]
EveryJoe– Anonymous, the hacktivist group that’s been around for over a decade and that became more well known in recent years for exposing the coverup in the Steubenville rape case, [Read More]
Standard – A cousin of US President Barack Obama is demanding £400,000 from the Met police after claiming colleagues deliberately broke wind beside her desk to make her life a [Read More]
He was 90
This was the winner of the 2010-2015 era. Click more to see 1960s winner versus 1990s winner
You can too. ht/ illustr8r
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