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Cool interactive video. Hat Tip/ Chris Cassone
Cool interactive video. Hat Tip/ Chris Cassone
Shouldn’t you be a meat eater in order to review meat? They also doxed customers and put pictures online of family members and made fun of them. That’s the tolerant [Read More]
He likes the “black dude” for president. Does Mickey even know where he is?
A- This kid never “made” a clock. He took the guts out of an old digital alarm clock and put it in a new case. Whoooooooopeeeeeeeeee. Sign him up at [Read More]
Basically, his theory comes down to Trump being the most masculine of the bunch, in voice, tone and confidence. The people want someone strong who wants America to be on top, [Read More]
ht/ kpark WAPO- President Obama, in a historic first for the Pentagon, has chosen to nominate Eric Fanning to lead the Army, a move that would make him the first [Read More]
Here’s the winner of the 1930s contest. Thumb your favorite Miss America of the 90s
WE- David Axelrod moved recently from a contributing gig at MSNBC to CNN, explaining this week that he made the jump because he wants to be more than just a [Read More]
Her story has a theme of relentless and unrepentant wrongdoing. WT: The bad news has continued to cascade onto the Hillary Clinton for President campaign, and none of it has [Read More]
So, it’s not just a rumor. Rosie’s new, whatever, is Tatum O’Neal. Tatum and Rosie sitting in a tree…
Watch Carly Fiorina describe a video she saw that the left says doesn’t exist. Then watch the “fictitious” video. What does Fiorina get wrong? She says she saw a fully [Read More]
Mother says her son didn’t do anything wrong. “His hand got stuck.” It was an accident.
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