Polish Politician Warns About Importing Human Garbage
Listen, stupids. There is such a thing as human garbage (despite what weepy progs tell you.) If you’re importing human garbage into your country you will eventually have a garbage [Read More]
Listen, stupids. There is such a thing as human garbage (despite what weepy progs tell you.) If you’re importing human garbage into your country you will eventually have a garbage [Read More]
HT/ Blinddog
See, everyone is like Donald Trump when they think no one is listening.
How to tell your 5 week-old will be a psychopath image idea by Conservative Cowgirl
Molyneux is correct. The citizens would be in their right to storm the corridors of bureaucracy and jail (or worse) anyone who believes they have the power to squander blood-soaked freedoms [Read More]
Mr. Mxyzptlk’s wife has had a sudden health crisis that has put her in critical condition. Mr. Mxyzptlk’s reality has been rattled and he finds himself seemingly alone. That’s not acceptable. He [Read More]
Read about his extraordinary heroic life and death HERE. ht/ Wisco Dave
The Right Scoop Mark Levin said he doesn’t want to do this. He knows that some people are going to accuse him of being in the tank for Trump when [Read More]
An article in a left-wing periodical describes how leftism is causing mental illness – which answers the question, “if you’re mentally ill, do you know it?” The article should [Read More]
We hear a lot of progressive bints run their mouths on and on in speeches about “food insecurity.” When I hear the term my bullsh!t meter spikes, and I know [Read More]
I don’t like people putting their feet up on a public seat either, but the Muslim made it about Islam rather than a scold for a breach of general etiquette. [Read More]
Hillary Daily- Yesterday, I did a lunch alert video called “Hillary Collapsing” (Watch It Here!). It was based on a poll showing her at only 42% among Democratic primary voters. Now, [Read More]
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